#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id: machines.cgi,v 1.12 2006/12/27 23:00:04 rmurray Exp $ # (c) 1999 Randolph Chung. Licensed under the GPL. # (c) 2004 Martin Schulze. Licensed under the GPL. # (c) 2006 Ryan Murray. Licensed under the GPL. # (c) 2008 Martin Zobel-Helas. Licensed under the GPL. use lib '.'; use strict vars; #use Apache::Registry; use CGI; use Util; use Net::LDAP qw(LDAP_SUCCESS LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR); use Fcntl; use POSIX; use MIME::Base64; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); my (%attrs, @attrorder, %summaryattrs, @summaryorder, %summarylistitems); # This defines the description of the fields, and which fields are retrieved %attrs = ('hostname' => 'Host name', 'admin' => 'Admin contact', 'architecture' => 'Architecture', 'distribution' => 'Distribution', 'access' => 'Access', 'sponsor' => 'Sponsor', 'sponsor-admin' => 'Sponsor admin', 'l' => 'Location', 'machine' => 'Processor', 'memory' => 'Memory', 'disk' => 'Disk space', 'bandwidth' => 'Bandwidth', 'status' => 'Status', 'notes' => 'Notes', 'sshrsahostkey' => 'SSH host key', 'description' => 'Description', 'purpose' => 'Purposes of this server', # 'createtimestamp' => 'Entry created', # 'modifytimestamp' => 'Entry modified' ); # This defines what fields are displayed, and in what order @attrorder = qw(hostname admin architecture distribution access sponsor sponsor-admin l machine memory disk bandwidth status notes sshrsahostkey sshrsahostfprint description purpose); # ditto for summary %summaryattrs = ('hostname' => 'Host name', 'host' => 'just for a link', 'description' => 'Description', 'architecture' => 'Architecture', 'status' => 'Status', 'access' => 'Access', 'sponsor' => 'Sponsor', 'purpose' => 'Purpose'); @summaryorder = qw{hostname description architecture sponsor purpose status access}; %summarylistitems = map {$_=>1} qw{purpose sponsor}; # Global settings... my %config = &Util::ReadConfigFile; my ($ldap, $mesg, $dn, $entries, $data, %output, $key, $hostlist, $hostdetails, $selected, %summary); sub DieHandler { $ldap->unbind if (defined($ldap)); } sub wiki_link($) { my ($in) = @_; # [[hostname|text]] makes a link # [[hostname]] makes a link too # if you add a * after [[ it's still the same, only not used for ssh_known_hosts in ud-generate # [[-hostname]] are not links, but get added to known_hosts. we should drop the [[- ]] tho $in =~ s#\[\[-(.*?)\]\]#$1#g; $in =~ s#\[\[\*?(.*?)\|(.*?)\]\]#$2#g; $in =~ s#\[\[\*?(.*?)\]\]#$1#g; return $in; } # in the purpose field [[host|some other text]] (where some other text is optional) # makes a hyperlink on the web thing. we now also add these hosts to the ssh known_hosts # file. But so that we don't have to add everything we link we can add an asterisk # and say [[*... to ignore it. In order to be able to add stuff to ssh without # http linking it we also support [[-hostname]] entries. # # sponsors are also wikified like purpose. maybe others as well sub item_uplist($) { my ($items) = @_; my $out = undef; my(@tmp) = @$items; if (scalar @tmp>= 1) { $out = "
    ". join("", map { "
  • ".wiki_link($_)."
  • \n"; } sort {my $A=$a; my $B=$b; $A =~ s/\[\[[-*]?(.*?)\]\]/\1/g; $B =~ s/\[\[[-*]?(.*?)\]\]/\1/g; $A cmp $B} @tmp ). "
"; } return $out; } #$SIG{__DIE__} = \&DieHandler; my $query = new CGI; my $host = lc($query->param('host')); my $sortby = lc($query->param('sortby')) || "host"; my $sortorder = lc($query->param('sortorder')) || "asc"; &Util::HTMLSendHeader; $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($config{ldaphost}) || &Util::HTMLError($!); &Util::UpgradeConnection($ldap) unless $config{usessl} eq 'False'; $mesg; $ldap->bind; $mesg = $ldap->search(base => $config{hostbasedn}, filter => 'host=*'); $mesg->code && &Util::HTMLError($mesg->error); $entries = $mesg->as_struct; foreach $dn (sort {$entries->{$a}->{host}->[0] cmp $entries->{$b}->{host}->[0]} keys(%$entries)) { $data = $entries->{$dn}; my $thishost = $data->{host}->[0]; $selected = ""; if (lc($thishost) eq $host) { $output{havehostdata} = 1; foreach $key (keys(%attrs)) { $output{$key} = $data->{$key}->[0]; } $output{hostname} = undef; foreach my $hostname (@{$data->{hostname}}) { $output{hostname} .= sprintf("%s%s", ($output{hostname} ? ', ' : ''), $hostname); } # Modified/created time. TODO: maybe add is the name of the creator/modifier $output{modifytimestamp} = &Util::FormatTimestamp($output{modifytimestamp}); $output{createtimestamp} = &Util::FormatTimestamp($output{createtimestamp}); # Format email addresses $output{admin} = sprintf("%s", $output{admin}, $output{admin}); $output{'sponsor-admin'} = sprintf("%s", $output{'sponsor-admin'}, $output{'sponsor-admin'}) if defined $output{'sponsor-admin'}; $output{sshrsahostkey} = undef; foreach $key (@{$data->{sshrsahostkey}}) { $output{sshrsahostkey} .= $key . "
"; } my $sponsor = item_uplist($data->{sponsor}); $output{sponsor} = $sponsor if defined $sponsor; my $purpose = item_uplist($data->{purpose}); $output{purpose} = $purpose if defined $purpose; $selected = " selected "; } $hostlist .= "