# Puppet infrastructure handel.debian.org is our current puppetmaster. Currently, it handles configuration of samhain, munin, apt, and exim (although more to come - this list is likely to get out of date quickly). To set up a new host to be a puppet client, do the following: Make sure you have set up the IP address for the new machine in ud-ldap. After that run puppet on puppetmaster once, so the ferm config get adjusted. : __handel__ && puppetd -w 5 -t --factsync --environment=production : ::client:: && echo 'deb http://mirror.netcologne.de/debian-backports/ lenny-backports main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.org.list && apt-key add - << EOF && -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) mQGiBEMIgw4RBADueqAzlq+rQT9JYSSWnNzo6C+9crI8lzW/fcl2Q3PO97MOQTOx Qsf/lOh0Ku7O+VdBa+BwVPuUkSw6wTY5Ku1y/6r1BQzJ9oHkryDDJXsHzKhpdyFc /lD4hNGqRkiNg5ulwAI0O1eqffPWDmeR9ZzSsqM40f1U4TNLfPAu1viWxwCgnbWz onY6RqSYlRsDQaPsNTwieVEEAJeX2FGgNepD1SvfEremAkWCrYYlSZI76iTIf6bd kGkWqIT0vJyE2MNenhDJ2ebbHJVFmL9x8S3m1daC4Zwnacm7aoCY/QgMJ+Js1Fex Acev48W9KHgpVbFMd1t8KAwRbmFcQf0C/FZUbE7xScpTxS4z3SsMOuRyfnGpDOi6 m/SnA/9wpquf3pPwbPykzKWNJEDouiJgt0zaFLauKDPeyTWeJ6htaAPDglArewdq bJ9M8QgLFtzjhg/fBQlRRUk7YP4OYtp1OdPkg2D/1rPQNySWlDf21T3N/K8ydKhR bYi+AsPuJLQUi3d+lVTFOebaL9felePvDC2/Eod7PSD1/rnkZ7Q0QmFja3BvcnRz Lm9yZyBBcmNoaXZlIEtleSA8ZnRwLW1hc3RlckBiYWNrcG9ydHMub3JnPohGBBAR AgAGBQJDgImkAAoJEHFe1qB+e4rJ2x4An2oI4xJpDvOx8uDIo9ihG1M0MpUqAJ9S cqVUmiyYSPtu8MwcZecy9kmOIYheBBMRAgAeBQJDCIMOAhsDBgsJCAcDAgMVAgMD FgIBAh4BAheAAAoJEOqOiyEWuhNsDt4AniaEBvlr4oVFMrGgPiye7iE/jv68AJ48 OkIfwcKJt7N8ImPAboeimFvWgIheBBMRAgAeBQJDCIMOAhsDBgsJCAcDAgMVAgMD FgIBAh4BAheAAAoJEOqOiyEWuhNsDt4AnjdB14rGa/rzz1ohwsi1oEnDRYuyAJ44 Nv8MTPjOaeEZArQ0flg8OXwF34hGBBARAgAGBQJEeI+KAAoJEHvDNTBle/A9pDwA mwVpbaoH1hebV4MgXIpRvTQiL2keAJ9ryd2LvhbPd5EZM1C3Nsar2/2CgIhGBBAR AgAGBQJHE7HYAAoJEGvFvIY3KyPVlwEAoJyGuJ/SsJTlyIVbulWYp3U/uZQTAJ4l 40SrE/wwDeSIrhWNkmmNPbnz54hGBBARAgAGBQJHKneLAAoJEBRrPPJWJbOATcsA n3I8y3pJN6jkmnhUQepfa7jJoDY2AKClHVXYuNZpc2jZKyruwgwck+jCabkCDQRD CIMREAgAzXu6DGSDAz4JH+mlthtiQwNZFU8bjWanGT3DL6zubxwc3ZQmRaMOiVuv JUuaJv8fdGRSvp09dP2/x5mzq2rACiEnDwZssNSK5sigxgy2W9zeO9bOtg6bhqZL wlsL8Y2xZhyGL3qGeP4zL1QbXZ1QdJuO90Xu7GWYS6Wsj+Y6dUsZFYvTZwSiLkEm gFUTxkNue3DQtZ/KNkwoKc+aqU+S7gDNStQDvTNtR6IV11KbKcY1iQ0B2bkh4zSh WwloIr83V6huAhfH8GA7UW6saRJAof5DJWUb+PRmU2TAOOlyZoM4nMH+sFFDPOeG 8fbecwlox5BRTMqcCB5ELbQXoVZT+wADBQf/ffI9R53f9USQkhsSak+k82JjRo9h qKAvPwBv3fDhMYqX3XRmwgNeax2y6Ub0AQkDhIC6eJILP5hTb2gjpmYYP7YE/7F1 h37lUg7dDYeyPQF54mUXPnIg3uQ/V9HBTY+ZW8rsVe1KRvPAuVFU77FfCvIFdLSX Vi1HSUcGv9Y7Kk4Tkr7vzKshlcIp6zZrO0Y3t/+ekBwTTQqEoUylVYkCSt3z6bjp VWbepkL88rbqJnPueTATw9shjbFYaND8cXZox9tQmlOIZ6gDeH1YvFf7ObRLxULm 7C6hwik6agtXWkNABVXSxM6MB4hcP9QC+FEhK6y/7wC3SyNRBuFujDG1aohJBBgR AgAJBQJDCIMRAhsMAAoJEOqOiyEWuhNsVVMAoJ1gbL0PHVf7yDwMjO3HuJBErxLd AJ4v9ojJnvJu2yUl4W586soBm+wsLg== =n4L0 -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- EOF apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends puppet/lenny-backports && /etc/init.d/puppet stop && puppetd -w 5 --debug -t --factsync This will not overwrite anything yet, since handel has not signed the client cert. Now is the time to abort if you are getting cold feet. Compare incoming csr request: on handel: : __handel__ && echo -n 'Client name: ' && read client && sha1sum /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/requests/$client.debian.org.pem on new client: : ::client:: && sha1sum /var/lib/puppet/ssl/csr_$(hostname).debian.org.pem If you're satisfied, sign the request on handel with: : __handel__ && puppetca --sign $client.debian.org bootstrap client knowledge of puppet ca: on handel: : __handel__ && echo 'cat > /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem << EOF ' && cat /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem && echo 'EOF' && echo "cat > /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/$client.debian.org.pem << EOF " && cat /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/signed/$client.debian.org.pem && echo 'EOF' and execute this on the client. : ::client:: copy paste the thing you just created on handel If this is a busy mail host, you might want to stop exim before proceeding although the config files should remain identical before and after. Then run (this will change the configs in /etc): : ::client:: && puppetd -w 5 --debug -t --factsync This run will start puppet after reconfiguring it, so if you are unhappy with what just happened, you'll need to stop it again to do repair. Double check apt - the puppet setup usually results in duplicate apt sources, since we ship a few under sources.list.d. Remove any unnecessary entries from sources.list. We ship a samhain config file that includes /lib and /usr/lib. This will almost certainly be different than the config file on the machine, so it will result in 1000s of files changed. You may need to run samhain update after getting puppet going. # vim:textwidth=72 sw=8 ts=8 et