using schroot in porterboxes ======================================= When logging into Debian porterbox machine, it should display similar message:

Welcome to, the Debian arch porterbox.

See 'schroot -l' for a list of available chroots.  Start new sessions
with 'schroot --begin-session -c ', run commands in sessions using
'schroot --run-session -c  [-- command]', and tear down sessions
using 'schroot --end-session -c '.  You can run a limited set of
privileged commands, for instance some of apt-get, using
'dd-schroot-cmd -c  '.
Use 'schroot --list --all-sessions' or 'schroot-list-sessions []'
to list (your) open sessions.

This server is hosted at data centre.
The previous description is rather compact and dense, so let's try to describe the usage in more friendly way. * List available chroots: $ schroot -l * Begin a persistent schroot session on Debian unstable: $ schroot -b -c sid -n mysid * Update and upgrade Debian unstable chroot: $ dd-schroot-cmd -c mysid apt-get update $ dd-schroot-cmd -c mysid apt-get upgrade [..] Do it for real [Y/n]: [..] * Install your broken package build dependencies: $ dd-schroot-cmd -c mysid apt-get build-dep gentoo [..] Do it for real [Y/n]: [..] * Change root to Debian unstable chroot: $ schroot -r -c mysid * Download your broken package source: (sid_arch-dchroot)user@porterbox:~$ apt-get source gentoo * You should be able to reproduce your issue, hack on the package, fix the bug. Once you are done with your work, please, finish your schroot session: (sid_arch-dchroot)user@porterbox:~$ exit $ schroot -e -c mysid $ exit * You should be done by now. If you find any issue, please report to