This device is for authorized users only. All traffic on this device is monitored and will be used as evidence for prosecutions. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% <%= def wrap(s, width=78) s.gsub(/(.{1,#{width}})(\s+|\Z)/, "\\1\n") end purp = '' if nodeinfo.has_key?('nameinfo') purp += wrap(nodeinfo['nameinfo']) + "\n\n" end purp += 'Welcome to ' + fqdn if (nodeinfo['ldap'].has_key?('purpose')) if nodeinfo['ldap']['purpose'].include?('buildd') purp += ", the Debian " if nodeinfo['ldap'].has_key?('architecture') purp += nodeinfo['ldap']['architecture'][0] end purp += " build daemon\n" elsif nodeinfo['ldap']['purpose'].include?('porterbox') purp += ", the Debian " if nodeinfo['ldap'].has_key?('architecture') purp += nodeinfo['ldap']['architecture'][0] end purp += " porterbox\n" purp += "\n" purp += "See 'dchroot -l' for a list of available chroots.\n" if nodeinfo['ldap'].has_key?('admin') purp += "Please contact #{nodeinfo['ldap']['admin'][0]} for install requests,\n" purp += "following the recommendations in .\n" end else purp += ", used for the following services:\n" nodeinfo['ldap']['purpose'].sort.each do |l| if l =~ /\[\[(\*|-)?(.*?)\]\]/ l = $2 end if l =~ /\[\[(.*?)\|(.*?)\]\]/ l = $2 end purp += "\t" + l + "\n" end end else purp += "\n" end if nodeinfo.has_key?('footer') purp += "\n" + wrap(nodeinfo['footer']) + "\n" end purp -%> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% <% # vim:set et: # vim:set sts=2 ts=2: # vim:set shiftwidth=2: -%>