# our exim class # @param use_smarthost use the smarthost # @param smarthost host to relay through (if set and use_smarthost) # @param is_bugsmx this system handles bugs.debian.org # @param is_mailrelay this system is a mailrelay, both in and out, for debian hosts # @param is_rtmaster this system handles rt.debian.org # @param is_packagesmaster this system handles packages.debian.org # @param is_packagesqamaster this system handles packages.qa.debian.org # @param mail_port override the default incoming mailport (only applicable for hosts behind an incoming relay) # @param smarthost_port the port on which satellites send mail to the smarthost (needs to be the same on both sides) class exim ( Optional[String] $smarthost, Boolean $use_smarthost = true, Boolean $is_bugsmx = false, Boolean $is_mailrelay = false, Boolean $is_rtmaster = false, Boolean $is_packagesmaster = false, Boolean $is_packagesqamaster = false, Integer $smarthost_port = 587, Optional[Integer] $mail_port = undef, ) { if $use_smarthost { $heavy = false if ! smarthost { fail('No smarthost set but use_smarthost is true') } } else { $heavy = true if $mail_port { fail('Cannot override mail_port in heavy/no-smarthost hosts') } } munin::check { 'ps_exim4': script => 'ps_' } munin::check { 'exim_mailqueue': } munin::check { 'exim_mailstats': } munin::check { 'postfix_mailqueue': ensure => absent } munin::check { 'postfix_mailstats': ensure => absent } munin::check { 'postfix_mailvolume': ensure => absent } package { 'exim4-daemon-heavy': ensure => installed } Package['exim4-daemon-heavy']->Mailalias<| |> service { 'exim4': ensure => running, require => [ File['/etc/exim4/exim4.conf'], Package['exim4-daemon-heavy'], ] } file { '/etc/exim4/': ensure => directory, mode => '0755', require => Package['exim4-daemon-heavy'], purge => true, } file { '/etc/exim4/conf.d': ensure => directory, purge => true, force => true, recurse => true, source => 'puppet:///files/empty/', } file { '/etc/exim4/ssl': ensure => directory, group => 'Debian-exim', mode => '0750', purge => true, } file { '/etc/exim4/exim4.conf': content => template('exim/eximconf.erb'), require => File['/etc/exim4/ssl/thishost.crt'], notify => Service['exim4'], } file { '/etc/mailname': content => template('exim/mailname.erb'), } concat { '/etc/exim4/virtualdomains': } concat::fragment { 'virtualdomains_header': target => '/etc/exim4/virtualdomains', content => template('exim/virtualdomains.header.erb'), order => '00', } file { '/etc/exim4/locals': content => template('exim/locals.erb') } concat { '/etc/exim4/submission-domains': ensure_newline => true, warn => @(EOF), ## THIS FILE IS UNDER PUPPET CONTROL. DON'T EDIT IT HERE. | EOF } file { '/etc/exim4/host_blacklist': source => 'puppet:///modules/exim/common/host_blacklist', } file { '/etc/exim4/blacklist': source => 'puppet:///modules/exim/common/blacklist', } file { '/etc/exim4/callout_users': source => 'puppet:///modules/exim/common/callout_users', } file { '/etc/exim4/grey_users': source => 'puppet:///modules/exim/common/grey_users', } file { '/etc/exim4/helo-check': source => 'puppet:///modules/exim/common/helo-check', } file { '/etc/exim4/localusers': source => 'puppet:///modules/exim/common/localusers', } file { '/etc/exim4/rbllist': source => 'puppet:///modules/exim/common/rbllist', } file { '/etc/exim4/rhsbllist': source => 'puppet:///modules/exim/common/rhsbllist', } file { '/etc/exim4/whitelist': source => 'puppet:///modules/exim/common/whitelist', } file { '/etc/logrotate.d/exim4-base': source => 'puppet:///modules/exim/common/logrotate-exim4-base', } file { '/etc/logrotate.d/exim4-paniclog': source => 'puppet:///modules/exim/common/logrotate-exim4-paniclog' } file { '/etc/exim4/ssl/thishost.crt': content => inline_template('<%= File.read(scope().call_function("hiera", ["paths.auto_certs_dir"]) + "/" + @fqdn + ".crt") %>'), group => 'Debian-exim', mode => '0640', } file { '/etc/exim4/ssl/thishost.key': content => inline_template('<%= File.read(scope().call_function("hiera", ["paths.auto_certs_dir"]) + "/" + @fqdn + ".key") %>'), group => 'Debian-exim', mode => '0640', } file { '/etc/exim4/ssl/ca.crt': content => inline_template('<%= File.read(scope().call_function("hiera", ["paths.auto_certs_dir"]) + "/ca.crt") %>'), group => 'Debian-exim', mode => '0640', } file { '/etc/exim4/ssl/ca.crl': content => inline_template('<%= File.read(scope().call_function("hiera", ["paths.auto_certs_dir"]) + "/ca.crl") %>'), group => 'Debian-exim', mode => '0640', } file { '/var/log/exim4': ensure => directory, mode => '2750', owner => 'Debian-exim', group => maillog, } # Do we actually want this? I'm only doing it because it's harmless # and makes the logs quiet. There are better ways of making logs quiet, # though. ferm::rule { 'dsa-ident': domain => '(ip ip6)', description => 'Allow ident access', rule => '&SERVICE(tcp, 113)' } # These only affect the alias @$fqdn, not say, @debian.org mailalias { [ 'postmaster', 'hostmaster', 'usenet', 'webmaster', 'abuse', 'noc', 'security', ]: ensure => absent } }