class bacula::client inherits bacula { @@bacula::storage-per-node { $::fqdn: } if $::hostname in [beethoven, berlioz, biber, diabelli, dinis, draghi, geo3, schumann, soler, widor, wolkenstein] { @@bacula::node { $::fqdn: } } package { ['bacula-fd']: ensure => installed } service { 'bacula-fd': ensure => running, enable => true, hasstatus => true, require => Package['bacula-fd'] } file { '/etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf': content => template('bacula/bacula-fd.conf.erb'), mode => '0640', owner => root, group => bacula, require => Package['bacula-fd'], notify => Service['bacula-fd'], ; '/usr/local/sbin/postbaculajob': mode => '0775', source => 'puppet:///modules/bacula/postbaculajob', ; '/etc/default/bacula-fd': content => template('bacula/default.bacula-fd.erb'), mode => '0400', owner => root, group => root, require => Package['bacula-fd'], notify => Service['bacula-fd'], ; '/etc/apt/preferences.d/dsa-bacula-client': content => template('apt.preferences.bacula-client.erb'), mode => '0444', owner => root, group => root, ; } @ferm::rule { 'dsa-bacula-fd-v4': domain => '(ip)', description => 'Allow bacula access from storage and director', rule => "proto tcp mod state state (NEW) dport (bacula-fd) saddr (${bacula_director_ip}) ACCEPT", } #@ferm::rule { 'dsa-bacula-fd-v6': # domain => '(ip6)', # description => 'Allow bacula access from storage and director', # rule => "proto tcp mod state state (NEW) dport (bacula-fd) saddr (${bacula_director_ip6}) ACCEPT", #} }