# @summary # This class manages a standard set of run stages for Puppet. It is managed by # the stdlib class, and should not be declared independently. # # Declares various run-stages for deploying infrastructure, # language runtimes, and application layers. # # The high level stages are (in order): # * setup # * main # * runtime # * setup_infra # * deploy_infra # * setup_app # * deploy_app # * deploy # # @example # node default { # include ::stdlib # class { java: stage => 'runtime' } # } # class stdlib::stages { stage { 'setup': before => Stage['main'] } stage { 'runtime': require => Stage['main'] } -> stage { 'setup_infra': } -> stage { 'deploy_infra': } -> stage { 'setup_app': } -> stage { 'deploy_app': } -> stage { 'deploy': } }