#zandonai.debian.org: "Debian s390 buildd system kindly provided by Zentrum fuer Informationsverarbeitung und Informationstechnik [zivit]"
#zelenka.debian.org: "Debian s390 porter system kindly provided by Zentrum fuer Informationsverarbeitung und Informationstechnik [zivit]"
- heavy_postfix:
- - bendel.debian.org
- heavy_exim:
- # mail front-ends
- - mailly.debian.org
- - muffat.debian.org
- # other mail receivers
- - buxtehude.debian.org
- - draghi.debian.org
- - master.debian.org
- - nono.debian.org
- - picconi.debian.org
- - pinel.debian.org
- - quantz.debian.org
- - reger.debian.org
- - vento.debian.org
- - wuiet.debian.org
klecker.debian.org: 2025
new-klecker.debian.org: 2025
out << "@def $SSH_V6_SOURCES = ( $SSH_V6_SOURCES #{ssh6allowed.join(' ')});"
-smtp4allowed = []
-smtp6allowed = []
-if not nodeinfo['smarthost'].empty?
- smtp4allowed << %w{$HOST_MAILRELAY_V4 $HOST_NAGIOS_V4}
- smtp6allowed << %w{$HOST_MAILRELAY_V6 $HOST_NAGIOS_V6}
-smtp4allowed.length == 0 and smtp4allowed << ''
-smtp6allowed.length == 0 and smtp6allowed << '::/0'
-out << "@def $SMTP_SOURCES = (#{smtp4allowed.join(' ')});"
-out << "@def $SMTP_V6_SOURCES = (#{smtp6allowed.join(' ')});"
nodeinfo['timeserver'] = (nodeinfo['ldap']['purpose'].respond_to?('include?') && nodeinfo['ldap']['purpose'].include?('timeserver'))
nodeinfo['ganeti'] = (nodeinfo['ldap']['purpose'].respond_to?('include?') && nodeinfo['ldap']['purpose'].include?('ganeti/kvm host'))
- if lookupvar('::mta') == 'exim4'
- unless nodeinfo['heavy_exim']
- nodeinfo['smarthost'] = 'mailout.debian.org'
- end
- elsif lookupvar('::mta') == 'postfix'
- unless nodeinfo['heavy_postfix']
- nodeinfo['smarthost'] = 'mailout.debian.org'
- end
- end
nodeinfo['misc'] = {}
fqdn = lookupvar('::fqdn')
if fqdn and fqdn == host
results['mail_port'] = ''
- results['smarthost'] = ''
- results['heavy_exim'] = ''
if yaml['host_settings'].kind_of?(Hash)
yaml['host_settings'].each_pair do |property, values|