-### downloaded 2014-12-20 from https://www.ietf.org/timezones/data/leap-seconds.list by weasel
+### downloaded 2015-01-09 from ftp://time.nist.gov/pub/leap-seconds.list by weasel
# In the following text, the symbol '#' introduces
# a comment, which continues from that symbol until
# and can be ignored for many purposes. These differences
# are tabulated in Circular T, which is published monthly
# by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures
-# (BIPM). See www.bipm.fr for more information.
+# (BIPM). See www.bipm.org for more information.
# 3. The current definition of the relationship between UTC
# and TAI dates from 1 January 1972. A number of different
# with, since the difficulty of unambiguously representing the epoch
# during the leap second does not arise.
+# Some systems implement leap seconds by amortizing the leap second
+# over the last few minutes of the day. The frequency of the local
+# clock is decreased (or increased) to realize the positive (or
+# negative) leap second. This method removes the time step described
+# above. Although the long-term behavior of the time scale is correct
+# in this case, this method introduces an error during the adjustment
+# period both in time and in frequency with respect to the official
+# defintion of UTC.
# Questions or comments to:
# Judah Levine
# Time and Frequency Division
# Boulder, Colorado
# Judah.Levine@nist.gov
-# Last Update of leap second values: 11 January 2012
+# Last Update of leap second values: 5 January 2015
# The following line shows this last update date in NTP timestamp
# format. This is the date on which the most recent change to
# be identified by the unique pair of characters in the first two
# columns as shown below.
-#$ 3535228800
+#$ 3629404800
# The NTP timestamps are in units of seconds since the NTP epoch,
# which is 1 January 1900, 00:00:00. The Modified Julian Day number
# current -- the update time stamp, the data and the name of the file
# will not change.
-# Updated through IERS Bulletin C48
-# File expires on: 28 June 2015
+# Updated through IERS Bulletin C49
+# File expires on: 28 December 2015
-#@ 3644438400
+#@ 3660249600
2272060800 10 # 1 Jan 1972
2287785600 11 # 1 Jul 1972
3345062400 33 # 1 Jan 2006
3439756800 34 # 1 Jan 2009
3550089600 35 # 1 Jul 2012
+3644697600 36 # 1 Jul 2015
# the following special comment contains the
# hash value of the data in this file computed
# the hash line is also ignored in the
# computation.
-#h a4862ccd c6f43c6 964f3604 85944a26 b5cfad4e
+#h 45e70fa7 a9df2033 f4a49ab0 ec648273 7b6c22c