hier.debian.org: Ethel Glenn Hier (June 25th, 1889 - January 14th, 1971)
hoiby.debian.org: Lee Henry Hoiby (February 17th, 1926 - March 28th, 2011)
jerea.debian.org: Hilda Jerea (March 17th, 1916 - May 14th, 1980)
- kantuser.debian.org: Bozidar Kantuser (December 5, 1921 - May 9, 1999)
kaufmann.debian.org: Georg Friedrich Kauffmann (February 14th, 1679 - February 27th, 1735)
klecker.debian.org: Dedicated to Joel 'Espy' Klecker (1979 - July 11th, 2000)
lindsay.debian.org: Maria Lindsay Bliss (May 15th, 1827 - April 3rd, 1898)
include roles::anonscm
- if has_role('kanboard') {
- include apache2
- package {'php-gd': ensure => installed }
- package {'php-pgsql': ensure => installed }
- package {'libapache2-mod-php': ensure => installed }
- }
%debsso diabelli=(debsso) ALL
%debsso-web diabelli=(debsso-web) ALL
%debconf-web debussy=(debconf-web) ALL
-%kanboard kantuser=(kanboard) ALL
# the dak user gets to run stuff as dak-unpriv (for things like lintian checks)
%ftptrainee FTPHOSTS=(dak-unpriv) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/lintian