--- /dev/null
+[[!meta author="Martin Zobel-Helas"]]
+The Debian Project currently runs about [100 machines](http://db.debian.org/machines.cgi) all over the
+world with different services. Those are mainly managed by the [Debian
+System Administration team](http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DSA). For central configuration management we
+use [Puppet](http://reductivelabs.com/products/puppet/).
+The Puppet config we use is publicly available [here](http://git.debian.org/?p=mirror/dsa-puppet.git).
+Our next goal is to have a more or less central configuration of our
+iptables rules on all those machines. Some of the machines have
+home-brewed firewall scripts, some use ferm.
+Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to provide us with a new
+dsa-puppet git branch with a module "ferm" that we can roll out to all
+our hosts.
+It might want to use information from the other puppet modules like
+"apache2_security_mirror" or "buildd" to decide which incoming traffic
+should be allowed.
+DSA will of course provide you with all necessary further information.
+++ /dev/null
-[[!meta author="Martin Zobel-Helas"]]
-The Debian Project currently runs about [100 machines](http://db.debian.org/machines.cgi) all over the
-world with different services. Those are mainly managed by the [Debian
-System Administration team](http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DSA). For central configuration management we
-use [Puppet](http://reductivelabs.com/products/puppet/).
-The Puppet config we use is publicly available [here](http://git.debian.org/?p=mirror/dsa-puppet.git).
-Our next goal is to have a more or less central configuration of our
-iptables rules on all those machines. Some of the machines have
-home-brewed firewall scripts, some use ferm.
-Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to provide us with a new
-dsa-puppet git branch with a module "ferm" that we can roll out to all
-our hosts.
-It might want to use information from the other puppet modules like
-"apache2_security_mirror" or "buildd" to decide which incoming traffic
-should be allowed.
-DSA will of course provide you with all necessary further information.