#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- mode: python -*- # # Check and decode PGP signed emails. # This script implements a wrapper around another program. It takes a mail # on stdin and processes off a PGP signature, verifying it and seperating # out the checked plaintext. It then invokes a sub process and feeds it # the verified plain text and sets environment vairables indicating the # result of the PGP check. If PGP checking fails then the subprocess is # is never run and a bounce message is generated. The wrapper can understand # PGP-MIME and all signatures supported by GPG. It completely decodes # PGP-MIME before running the subprocess. It also can do optional # anti-replay checking on the signatures. # # If enabled it can also do LDAP checking to determine the uniq UID owner # of the key. # # Options: # -r Replay cache file, if unset replay checking is disabled # -e Bounce error message template file, if unset very ugly bounces are # made # -k Colon seperated list of keyrings to use # -a Reply to address (mail daemon administrator) # -d LDAP search base DN # -l LDAP server # -m Email address to use when prettying up LDAP_EMAIL # # It exports the following environment variables: # LDAP_EMAIL="Adam Di Carlo " # LDAP_UID="aph" # PGP_FINGERPRINT="E21E5D13FAD42A54F1AA5A00D801CE55" # PGP_KEYID="8FFC405EFD5A67CD" # PGP_KEYNAME="Adam Di Carlo " # SENDER (from mailer - envelope sender for bounces) # REPLYTO (generated from message headers) # # Typical Debian invokation may look like: # ./gpgwrapper -k /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg:/usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.pgp \ # -d ou=users,dc=debian,dc=org -l db.debian.org \ # -m debian.org -a admin@db.debian.org \ # -e /etc/userdir-ldap/templtes/error-reply -- test.sh import sys, traceback, time, os; import pwd, getopt; from userdir_gpg import *; EX_TEMPFAIL = 75; EX_PERMFAIL = 65; # EX_DATAERR Error = 'Message Error'; ReplyTo = "admin@db"; # Configuration ReplayCacheFile = None; ErrorTemplate = None; LDAPDn = None; LDAPServer = None; EmailAppend = ""; # Safely get an attribute from a tuple representing a dn and an attribute # list. It returns the first attribute if there are multi. def GetAttr(DnRecord,Attribute,Default = ""): try: return DnRecord[1][Attribute][0]; except IndexError: return Default; except KeyError: return Default; return Default; # Return a printable email address from the attributes. def EmailAddress(DnRecord): cn = GetAttr(DnRecord,"cn"); sn = GetAttr(DnRecord,"sn"); uid = GetAttr(DnRecord,"uid"); if cn == "" and sn == "": return "<" + uid + "@" + EmailAppend + ">"; return cn + " " + sn + " <" + uid + "@" + EmailAppend + ">" # Match the key fingerprint against an LDAP directory def CheckLDAP(FingerPrint): import ldap; # Connect to the ldap server global ErrTyp, ErrMsg; ErrType = EX_TEMPFAIL; ErrMsg = "An error occured while performing the LDAP lookup"; global l; l = connectLDAP(LDAPServer); l.simple_bind_s("",""); # Search for the matching key fingerprint Attrs = l.search_s(LDAPDn,ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL,"keyfingerprint=" + FingerPrint); if len(Attrs) == 0: raise Error, "Key not found" if len(Attrs) != 1: raise Error, "Oddly your key fingerprint is assigned to more than one account.." os.environ["LDAP_UID"] = GetAttr(Attrs[0],"uid"); os.environ["LDAP_EMAIL"] = EmailAddress(Attrs[0]); # Start of main program # Process options (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "r:e:k:a:d:l:m:"); for (switch, val) in options: if (switch == '-r'): ReplayCacheFile = val; elif (switch == '-e'): ErrorTemplate = val; elif (switch == '-k'): SetKeyrings(val.split(":")); elif (switch == '-a'): ReplyTo = val; elif (switch == '-d'): LDAPDn = val; elif (switch == '-l'): LDAPServer = val; elif (switch == '-m'): EmailAppend = val; # Drop messages from a mailer daemon. (empty sender) if os.environ.has_key('SENDER') == 0 or len(os.environ['SENDER']) == 0: sys.exit(0); ErrMsg = "Indeterminate Error"; ErrType = EX_TEMPFAIL; try: # Startup the replay cache ErrType = EX_TEMPFAIL; if ReplayCacheFile is not None: ErrMsg = "Failed to initialize the replay cache:"; RC = ReplayCache(ReplayCacheFile); RC.Clean(); # Get the email ErrType = EX_PERMFAIL; ErrMsg = "Failed to understand the email or find a signature:"; Email = mimetools.Message(sys.stdin,0); Msg = GetClearSig(Email); ErrMsg = "Message is not PGP signed:" if Msg[0].find("-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----") == -1: raise Error, "No PGP signature"; # Check the signature ErrMsg = "Unable to check the signature or the signature was invalid:"; Res = GPGCheckSig(Msg[0]); if Res[0] is not None: raise Error, Res[0]; if Res[3] is None: raise Error, "Null signature text"; # Extract the plain message text in the event of mime encoding global PlainText; ErrMsg = "Problem stripping MIME headers from the decoded message" if Msg[1] == 1: try: Index = Res[3].index("\n\n") + 2; except ValueError: Index = Res[3].index("\n\r\n") + 3; PlainText = Res[3][Index:]; else: PlainText = Res[3]; # Check the signature against the replay cache if ReplayCacheFile is not None: ErrMsg = "The replay cache rejected your message. Check your clock!"; Rply = RC.Check(Res[1]); if Rply is not None: raise Error, Rply; RC.Add(Res[1]); # Do LDAP stuff if LDAPDn is not None: CheckLDAP(Res[2][1]); # Determine the sender address ErrType = EX_PERMFAIL; ErrMsg = "A problem occured while trying to formulate the reply"; Sender = Email.getheader("Reply-To"); if Sender is None: Sender = Email.getheader("From"); if Sender is None: raise Error, "Unable to determine the sender's address"; # Setup the environment ErrType = EX_TEMPFAIL; ErrMsg = "Problem calling the child process" os.environ["PGP_KEYID"] = Res[2][0]; os.environ["PGP_FINGERPRINT"] = Res[2][1]; os.environ["PGP_KEYNAME"] = Res[2][2]; os.environ["REPLYTO"] = Sender; # Invoke the child Child = os.popen(" ".join(arguments),"w"); Child.write(PlainText); if Child.close() is not None: raise Error, "Child gave a non-zero return code"; except: # Error Reply Header Date = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000",time.gmtime(time.time())); ErrReplyHead = "To: %s\nReply-To: %s\nDate: %s\n" % (os.environ['SENDER'],ReplyTo,Date); # Error Body Subst = {}; Subst["__ERROR__"] = ErrMsg; Subst["__ADMIN__"] = ReplyTo; Trace = "==> %s: %s\n" %(sys.exc_type,sys.exc_value); List = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_traceback); if len(List) >= 1: Trace = Trace + "Python Stack Trace:\n"; for x in List: Trace = Trace + " %s %s:%u: %s\n" %(x[2],x[0],x[1],x[3]); Subst["__TRACE__"] = Trace; # Try to send the bounce try: if ErrorTemplate is not None: ErrReply = TemplateSubst(Subst,open(ErrorTemplate,"r").read()); else: ErrReply = "\n"+str(Subst)+"\n"; Child = os.popen("/usr/sbin/sendmail -t","w"); Child.write(ErrReplyHead); Child.write(ErrReply); if Child.close() is not None: raise Error, "Sendmail gave a non-zero return code"; except: sys.exit(EX_TEMPFAIL); if ErrType != EX_PERMFAIL: sys.exit(ErrType); sys.exit(0);