class vsftpd { package { 'vsftpd': ensure => installed } package { 'logtail': ensure => installed } service { 'vsftpd': ensure => stopped, require => Package['vsftpd'] } file { '/etc/vsftpd.conf': content => "listen=NO\n", require => Package['vsftpd'], notify => Service['vsftpd'] } # Mask the vsftpd service as we are using xinetd file { '/etc/systemd/system/vsftpd.service': ensure => 'link', target => '/dev/null', notify => Exec['systemctl daemon-reload'], } # Ensure the empty dir is present, workaround for #789127 file { '/etc/tmpfiles.d/vsftpd.conf': content => 'd /var/run/vsftpd/empty 0755 root root -', notify => Exec['systemd-tmpfiles --create --exclude-prefix=/dev'], } munin::check { 'vsftpd': ensure => absent } munin::check { 'ps_vsftpd': script => 'ps_' } ferm::rule { 'dsa-ftp': domain => '(ip ip6)', description => 'Allow ftp access', rule => '&SERVICE(tcp, 21)', } file { '/srv/ftp': ensure => directory, mode => '0755' } file { '/var/log/ftp': ensure => directory, mode => '0755' } file { '/etc/logrotate.d/vsftpd': source => 'puppet:///modules/vsftpd/logrotate.conf', require => [ Package['vsftpd'], Package[''] ] } }