# create an ssh key for user define ssh::keygen( String $user = $name, ) { if $facts["${user}_user_exists"] == undef { notify { "We do not have facters for user ${user} existance and keys -- add it to modules/debian_org/lib/facter/roleaccounts.rb": loglevel => warning, } } elsif $facts["${user}_user_exists"] { if ! $facts["${user}_key"] { exec { "create-${user}-ssh-key": command => @("EOF"), /bin/su - ${user} -c 'mkdir -p -m 02700 .ssh && ssh-keygen -C "`whoami`@`hostname` (`date +%Y-%m-%d`)" -P "" -f .ssh/id_rsa -q' | EOF onlyif => "/usr/bin/getent passwd ${user} > /dev/null && ! [ -e ~${user}/.ssh/id_rsa ]" } } } else { notify { "User ${user} does not exist on this host. Will not create ssh key": loglevel => warning, } } }