# class salsa::database inherits salsa { class { 'postgresql::globals': version => '9.6', } class { 'postgresql::server': listen_addresses => '*', } class { 'postgresql::server::contrib': } postgresql::server::db { $salsa::db_name: user => $salsa::db_role, password => postgresql_password($salsa::db_role, $salsa::db_password), } postgresql::server::extension { 'pg_trgm': database => $salsa::db_name, require => Class['postgresql::server::contrib'], } include postgres::backup_source $pg_config_options = { 'track_counts' => 'yes', 'archive_mode' => 'yes', 'wal_level' => 'archive', 'max_wal_senders' => '3', 'archive_timeout' => '1h', 'archive_command' => '/usr/local/bin/pg-backup-file main WAL %p', 'ssl' => 'on', 'ssl_cert_file' => '/etc/ssl/debian/certs/thishost-server.crt', 'ssl_key_file' => '/etc/ssl/private/thishost-server.key', } $pg_config_options.each |String $key, String $value| { postgresql_conf { $key: value => $value, target => $postgresql::params::postgresql_conf_path, notify => Service['postgresqld'], } } $datadir = assert_type(String[1], $postgresql::params::datadir) warning("foo ") file { "${datadir}/.nobackup": content => "" } if $::postgresql_key { $ipaddr = assert_type(String[1], join(getfromhash($site::nodeinfo, 'ldap', 'ipHostNumber'), ",")) @@concat::fragment { "onion::balance::instance::dsa-snippet::$name::$fqdn": target => "/etc/dsa/postgresql-backup/sshkeys-sources", content => @("EOF"), ${::hostname} ${ipaddr} ${::postgresql_key} | EOF tag => "postgresql::server::backup-source-sshkey", } } $db_backup_role = 'debian-backup' $db_backup_role_password = hkdf('/etc/puppet/secret', "postgresql-${::hostname}-${postgresql::params::port}-backup_role}") # XXX - get these from the roles and ldap $db_backup_hosts = ['', '', '2001:41c8:1000:21::21:12/128', '2a02:158:380:280::161/128'] postgresql::server::role { $db_backup_role: password_hash => postgresql_password($db_backup_role, $db_backup_role_password), replication => true, } $db_backup_hosts.each |String $address| { postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { "debian_backup-${address}": description => 'Open up PostgreSQL for backups', type => 'hostssl', database => 'replication', user => $db_backup_role, address => $address, auth_method => 'md5', } } @ferm::rule { "dsa-postgres-${postgresql::params::port}": description => 'Allow postgress access from backup host', domain => '(ip ip6)', rule => "&SERVICE_RANGE(tcp, ${postgresql::params::port}, ( @ipfilter(\$HOST_PGBACKUPHOST) ))", } # add cluster to make-base-backups }