class roles::syncproxy { $bind = $::hostname ? { 'milanollo' => '', 'mirror-anu' => '', 'mirror-isc' => '', 'mirror-umn' => '', 'klecker' => '', default => '' } $bind6 = $::hostname ? { 'milanollo' => '2001:41c8:1000:21::21:9', 'mirror-anu' => '2001:388:1034:2900::3c', 'mirror-isc' => '2001:4f8:8:36::1deb:21', 'mirror-umn' => '2607:ea00:101:3c0b::1deb:216', 'klecker' => '2001:610:1908:b000::148:10', default => '' } $syncproxy_name = $::hostname ? { 'milanollo' => '', 'mirror-anu' => '', 'mirror-isc' => '', 'mirror-umn' => '', 'klecker' => '', default => 'unknown' } rsync::site { 'syncproxy': content => template('roles/syncproxy/rsyncd.conf.erb'), bind => $bind, bind6 => $bind6, } file { '/etc/rsyncd': ensure => 'directory' } file { '/etc/rsyncd/debian.secrets': owner => 'root', group => 'mirroradm', mode => 0660, } if $::apache2 and $syncproxy_name != 'unknown' { include apache2::ssl ssl::service { "$syncproxy_name": notify => Service['apache2'], key => true, } apache2::site { '': site => '', content => template('roles/syncproxy/') } file { [ '/srv/www/', '/srv/www/' ]: ensure => directory, mode => '0755', } file { '/srv/www/': content => template('roles/syncproxy/') } file { '/etc/rsyncd-syncproxy-stunnel.conf': content => template('roles/syncproxy/rsyncd-syncproxy-stunnel.conf.erb') } xinetd::service { "rsync-syncproxy-ssl": bind => $bind, id => "syncproxy-rsync-ssl", server => '/usr/bin/stunnel4', service => 'rsync-ssl', type => 'UNLISTED', port => '1873', server_args => "/etc/rsyncd-syncproxy-stunnel.conf", ferm => false, instances => 50, require => File["/etc/rsyncd-syncproxy-stunnel.conf"], } if $bind6 != '' { xinetd::service { "rsync-syncproxy-ssl6": bind => $bind6, id => "syncproxy-rsync-ssl", server => '/usr/bin/stunnel4', service => 'rsync-ssl', type => 'UNLISTED', port => '1873', server_args => "/etc/rsyncd-syncproxy-stunnel.conf", ferm => false, instances => 50, require => File["/etc/rsyncd-syncproxy-stunnel.conf"], } } @ferm::rule { "dsa-rsync-ssl": description => "Allow traffic to rsync ssl", rule => "&SERVICE(tcp, 1873)" } } }