# a syncproxy # @param syncproxy_name the service name of this syncproxy # @param listen_addr IP addresses to have rsync and apache listen on, and ssh to trigger from class roles::syncproxy( String $syncproxy_name, Array[Stdlib::IP::Address] $listen_addr = [], ) { include roles::archvsync_base $enclosed_addresses_rsync = empty($listen_addr) ? { true => ['[::]'], default => enclose_ipv6($listen_addr), } $enclosed_addresses_apache = empty($listen_addr) ? { true => ['*'], default => enclose_ipv6($listen_addr), } $ssh_source_addresses = empty($listen_addr) ? { true => $base::public_addresses, default => $listen_addr, } $mirror_basedir_prefix = hiera('role_config__syncproxy.mirror_basedir_prefix') file { '/etc/rsyncd': ensure => 'directory' } file { '/etc/rsyncd/debian.secrets': owner => 'root', group => 'mirroradm', mode => '0660', } include apache2 include apache2::ssl ssl::service { $syncproxy_name: notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } apache2::site { '010-syncproxy.debian.org': site => 'syncproxy.debian.org', content => template('roles/syncproxy/syncproxy.debian.org-apache.erb') } file { [ '/srv/www/syncproxy.debian.org', '/srv/www/syncproxy.debian.org/htdocs' ]: ensure => directory, mode => '0755', } file { '/srv/www/syncproxy.debian.org/htdocs/index.html': content => template('roles/syncproxy/syncproxy.debian.org-index.html.erb') } rsync::site { 'syncproxy': content => template('roles/syncproxy/rsyncd.conf.erb'), binds => $enclosed_addresses_rsync, sslname => $syncproxy_name, } # ssh firewalling setup ### @@ferm::rule::simple { "dsa-ssh-from-syncproxy-${::fqdn}": tag => 'ssh::server::from::syncproxy', description => 'Allow ssh access from a syncproxy', port => '22', saddr => $ssh_source_addresses, } # syncproxies should be accessible from various role hosts Ferm::Rule::Simple <<| tag == 'ssh::server::from::syncproxy' or tag == 'ssh::server::from::ftp_master' or tag == 'ssh::server::from::ports_master' or tag == 'ssh::server::from::security_master' |>> }