# a static mirror # # this receives pushes from the master and then usually serves the content to the public class roles::static_mirror { include roles::static::base include roles::static::srvdir # mirrors talk only to masters class { 'roles::static::ssh': add_tag => 'staticsync-master', collect_tag => 'staticsync-mirror', } include apache2::expires include apache2::rewrite package { 'libapache2-mod-geoip': ensure => installed, } package { 'geoip-database': ensure => installed, } include apache2::ssl apache2::module { 'include': } apache2::module { 'geoip': require => [Package['libapache2-mod-geoip'], Package['geoip-database']]; } apache2::module { 'deflate': } apache2::module { 'filter': } file { '/usr/local/bin/static-mirror-run': source => 'puppet:///modules/roles/static-mirroring/static-mirror-run', mode => '0555', } file { '/usr/local/bin/static-mirror-run-all': source => 'puppet:///modules/roles/static-mirroring/static-mirror-run-all', mode => '0555', } file { '/etc/cron.d/puppet-static-mirror': ensure => absent, } concat::fragment { 'dsa-puppet-stuff--static-mirror': target => '/etc/cron.d/dsa-puppet-stuff', content => @(EOF) @reboot staticsync sleep 60; chronic static-mirror-run-all | EOF } $onion_v4_addr = $::hostname ? { klecker => '', mirror-isc => '', senfter => '', default => undef, } $vhost_listen = $::hostname ? { klecker => ' [2001:67c:2564:a119::148:14]:80', mirror-isc => ' [2001:4f8:1:c::15]:80', mirror-anu => ' [2001:388:1034:2900::3e]:80', default => '*:80', } $vhost_listen_443 = $::hostname ? { klecker => ' [2001:67c:2564:a119::148:14]:443', mirror-isc => ' [2001:4f8:1:c::15]:443', mirror-anu => ' [2001:388:1034:2900::3e]:443', default => '*:443', } $redirect_vhosts = true apache2::config { 'local-static-vhost.conf': ensure => absent, } apache2::config { 'local-static-vhost': content => template('roles/static-mirroring/static-vhost.conf.erb'), } apache2::site { '010-planet.debian.org': site => 'planet.debian.org', ensure => has_static_component('planet.debian.org') ? { true => 'present', false => 'absent' }, content => template('roles/static-mirroring/vhost/planet.debian.org.erb'), } apache2::site { '010-lintian.debian.org': site => 'lintian.debian.org', ensure => absent, } apache2::site { '010-static-vhosts-00-manpages': site => 'static-manpages.debian.org', ensure => has_static_component('manpages.debian.org') ? { true => 'present', false => 'absent' }, content => template('roles/static-mirroring/vhost/manpages.debian.org.erb'), } apache2::site { '010-static-vhosts-simple': site => 'static-vhosts-simple', content => template('roles/static-mirroring/vhost/static-vhosts-simple.erb'), } $wwwdo_server_name = 'www.debian.org' $wwwdo_document_root = '/srv/static.debian.org/mirrors/www.debian.org/cur' apache2::site { '005-www.debian.org': site => 'www.debian.org', ensure => has_static_component('www.debian.org') ? { true => 'present', false => 'absent' }, content => template('roles/apache-www.debian.org.erb'), } ssl::service { 'www.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'debian.org' : ensure => has_static_component('www.debian.org') ? { true => 'present', false => 'absent' }, notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } # do ssl::service { 'appstream.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'backports.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'bits.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'blends.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'cdbuilder-logs.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true } ssl::service { 'd-i.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true } ssl::service { 'deb.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true } ssl::service { 'dpl.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true } ssl::service { 'dsa.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true } ssl::service { 'incoming.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'incoming.ports.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'lintian.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'lists.alioth.debian.org' : ensure => 'present', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'manpages.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'metadata-backend.ftp-master.debian.org': ensure => has_static_component('metadata.ftp-master.debian.org') ? { true => 'present', false => 'absent' }, notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'mirror-master.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'onion.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'openpgpkey.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'pkg-ruby-extras.alioth.debian.org' : ensure => 'present', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'planet-backend.debian.org' : ensure => has_static_component('planet.debian.org') ? { true => 'present', false => 'absent' }, notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'release.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'rtc.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true } ssl::service { 'security-team.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'www.ports.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } # dn ssl::service { 'bootstrap.debian.net' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'debaday.debian.net' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'debdeltas.debian.net' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'micronews.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'mozilla.debian.net' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'news.debian.net' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'sources.debian.net' : ensure => 'present', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'timeline.debian.net' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'video.debian.net' : ensure => 'present', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'wnpp-by-tags.debian.net' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } # dc ssl::service { 'debconf.org' : ensure => 'present', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { '10years.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'debconf0.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'debconf1.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'debconf16.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'debconf17.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'debconf18.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'debconf19.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'debconf2.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'debconf3.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'debconf4.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'debconf5.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'debconf6.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'debconf7.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'es.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'fr.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'miniconf10.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'video.debconf.org' : ensure => 'present', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } ssl::service { 'wiki.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } include apache2::proxy_http ssl::service { 'www.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } if has_role('static_mirror_onion') { if ! $onion_v4_addr { fail("Do not have an onion_v4_addr set for $::hostname.") } onion::service { 'd-i.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'dpl.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'dsa.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'rtc.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'www.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } # do onion::service { 'appstream.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'backports.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'bits.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'blends.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'cdbuilder-logs.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'incoming.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'incoming.ports.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'lintian.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'manpages.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'mirror-master.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'onion.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'openpgpkey.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'release.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'security-team.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'www.ports.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } # dn onion::service { 'bootstrap.debian.net' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'debaday.debian.net' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'debdeltas.debian.net' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'micronews.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'mozilla.debian.net' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'news.debian.net' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'timeline.debian.net' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'wnpp-by-tags.debian.net' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } # dc onion::service { '10years.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'debconf0.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'debconf1.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'debconf16.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'debconf17.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'debconf18.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'debconf2.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'debconf3.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'debconf4.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'debconf5.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'debconf6.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'debconf7.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'es.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'fr.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'miniconf10.debconf.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } # non-SSL onion::service { 'metadata.ftp-master.debian.org': ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } onion::service { 'planet.debian.org' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_v4_addr } } file { '/srv/static.debian.org/puppet': ensure => directory, mode => '02755' } file { '/srv/static.debian.org/puppet/disabled-service': ensure => directory, mode => '02755' } file { '/srv/static.debian.org/puppet/disabled-service/503.html': source => 'puppet:///modules/roles/static-htdocs/disabled-service/503.html', } ssl::service { 'archive.debian.net': ensure => present, notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } file { '/srv/static.debian.org/puppet/archive.debian.net': ensure => absent, } file { '/srv/static.debian.org/puppet/archive.debian.net/503.html': ensure => absent, } ssl::service { 'cdimage.debian.org': ensure => present, notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } file { '/srv/static.debian.org/puppet/cdimage.debian.org': ensure => directory, } file { '/srv/static.debian.org/puppet/cdimage.debian.org/503.html': source => 'puppet:///modules/roles/static-htdocs/cdimage-maintenance.html', } }