class roles::static_base { if ! $::staticsync_key { exec { 'create-staticsync-key': command => '/bin/su - staticsync -c \'mkdir -p -m 02700 .ssh && ssh-keygen -C "`whoami`@`hostname` (`date +%Y-%m-%d`)" -P "" -f .ssh/id_rsa -q\'', onlyif => '/usr/bin/getent passwd staticsync > /dev/null && ! [ -e /home/staticsync/.ssh/id_rsa ]' } } file { '/etc/static-components.conf': content => template('roles/static-mirroring/static-components.conf.erb'), } file { '/etc/ssh/userkeys/staticsync': content => template('roles/static-mirroring/staticsync-authorized_keys.erb'), } file { '/usr/local/bin/staticsync-ssh-wrap': source => 'puppet:///modules/roles/static-mirroring/staticsync-ssh-wrap', mode => '0555', } file { '/usr/local/bin/static-update-component': source => 'puppet:///modules/roles/static-mirroring/static-update-component', mode => '0555', } file { '/usr/local/bin/static-mirror-ssh-wrap': ensure => absent; } file { '/usr/local/bin/static-master-ssh-wrap': ensure => absent; } ferm::rule { 'dsa-static-bt-v4': description => 'Allow bt between static hosts', rule => 'proto tcp mod state state (NEW) mod multiport destination-ports (6881:6999) @subchain \'static-bt\' { saddr ($HOST_STATIC_V4) ACCEPT; }', notarule => true, } ferm::rule { 'dsa-static-bt-v6': description => 'Allow bt between static hosts', domain => 'ip6', rule => 'proto tcp mod state state (NEW) mod multiport destination-ports (6881:6999) @subchain \'static-bt\' { saddr ($HOST_STATIC_V6) ACCEPT; }', notarule => true, } file { "/etc/staticsync.conf": content => @("EOF"), # This file is sourced by bash # and parsed by python # - empty lines and lines starting with a # are ignored. # - other lines are key=value. No extra spaces anywhere. No quoting. base=/srv/ masterbase=/home/staticsync/static-master/master staticuser=staticsync | EOF } }