# = Define: roles::pubsub::config # # Connection stanzas for pubsub clients # # === Parameters # # [*key*] # The lookup key for the ini file, ie: # [foo] <- this # a=b # # [*topic*] # The topic to send or receive on # # [*username*] # Authentication username for the connection # Defaults to $::fqdn # # [*password*] # Authentication password for the connection # # [*vhost*] # RabbitMQ vhost to use for the connection # Defaults to 'dsa' # # [*exchange*] # RabbitMQ exchange to use for the connection # Defaults to 'dsa' # # [*queue*] # RabbitMQ queue to use for the connection # Only necessary on connections where client is receiving messages # # [*order*] # Ordering hint for concat # Defaults to '00' # # == Sample Usage: # # roles::pubsub::config { 'testme': # key => 'test', # exchange => dsa, # topic => 'dsa.git.test', # vhost => dsa, # username => $::fqdn, # password => 1234, # order => 00 # } # define roles::pubsub::config ( $key, $topic, $password, $vhost=dsa, $exchange=dsa, $username=$::fqdn, $queue=undef, $order='00' ){ include roles::pubsub::config::setup concat::fragment { "pubsub_conf_${name}": target => '/etc/dsa/pubsub.conf', content => template('roles/pubsub/pubsub.conf.erb'), order => $order, } }