# sources.debian.org role # @param db_address hostname of the postgres server for this service # @param db_port port of the postgres server for this service class roles::debsources ( String $db_address, Integer $db_port, ) { include apache2 include apache2::ssl apache2::module { 'http2': } package { 'libapache2-mod-wsgi': ensure => installed, } apache2::site { 'sources.debian.org': site => 'sources.debian.org', source => 'puppet:///modules/roles/debsources/sources.debian.org.conf', } ssl::service { 'sources.debian.org': notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, } @@postgres::cluster::hba_entry { 'debsources': tag => "postgres::cluster::${db_port}::hba::${db_address}", pg_port => $db_port, database => 'debsources', user => ['debsource_admin', 'debsource_updater'], address => $base::public_addresses, } @@postgres::cluster::hba_entry { 'debsources-guest': tag => "postgres::cluster::${db_port}::hba::${db_address}", pg_port => $db_port, database => 'debsources', user => ['guest'], method => 'trust', address => $base::public_addresses, } }