# postfix class # @param use_smarthost use the smarthost # @param smarthost host to relay through (if set and use_smarthost) class postfix( Optional[String] $smarthost, Boolean $use_smarthost = true, Boolean $manage_maincf = true, ) { package { 'postfix': ensure => installed } if $use_smarthost { if ! smarthost { fail('No smarthost set but use_smarthost is true') } } else { $heavy = true } service { 'postfix': ensure => running } include debian_org::mail_incoming_port munin::check { 'ps_exim4': ensure => absent } munin::check { 'exim_mailqueue': ensure => absent } munin::check { 'exim_mailstats': ensure => absent } munin::check { 'postfix_mailqueue': } munin::check { 'postfix_mailstats': } munin::check { 'postfix_mailvolume': } munin::check { 'ps_smtp': script => 'ps_' } munin::check { 'ps_smtpd': script => 'ps_' } if $manage_maincf { concat { '/etc/postfix/main.cf': notify => Exec['service postfix reload'], } concat::fragment { 'puppet-postfix-main.cf--header': target => '/etc/postfix/main.cf', order => '000', content => template('postfix/main.cf-header.erb') } } else { include fail2ban::postfix } exec { 'service postfix reload': path => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin', command => 'service postfix reload', refreshonly => true, require => Package['postfix'], } }