## ### THIS FILE IS UNDER PUPPET CONTROL. DON'T EDIT IT HERE. ## [<%= client_fqdn %>] <% # variables are different whether or not they go via the stored config thing. # on the host that actually gets the config, client_munin_async is a String, saying "true", # from other hosts it's an actual boolean, i.e. an instance of either FalseClass or TrueClass %> <%- if has_variable?('client_munin_async') and ((client_munin_async.kind_of?(String) and client_munin_async == "true") or (client_munin_async.kind_of?(TrueClass))) %> # address ssh://munin-async@<%= client_fqdn %>/set-in-authkeys address <%= client_ipaddress %> <%- else %> address <%= client_ipaddress %> <%- end %>