# = Class: hardware::raid::raidmpt # # This class installs mpt-status and ensures the daemon is not running # # == Sample Usage: # # include hardware::raid::raidmpt # class hardware::raid::raidmpt { if $::mptraid { package { 'mpt-status': ensure => installed } file { '/etc/default/mpt-statusd': content => "# This file is under puppet control\nRUN_DAEMON=no\n", notify => Exec['mpt-statusd-stop'], } exec { 'mpt-statusd-stop': command => 'pidfile=/var/run/mpt-statusd.pid; ! [ -e "$pidfile" ] || /sbin/start-stop-daemon --oknodo --stop --signal TERM --quiet --pidfile "$pidfile"; rm -f "$pidfile"; pkill -INT -P 1 -u 0 -f "/usr/bin/daemon /etc/init.d/mpt-statusd check_mpt"', refreshonly => true, } } else { package { 'mpt-status': ensure => purged, } file { '/etc/default/mpt-statusd': ensure => absent, } } }