class grub { $grub_do_ifnames = ($::kernel == 'Linux' and $::is_virtual and $::virtual == 'kvm') if ($::kernel == 'Linux' and $::is_virtual and $::virtual == 'kvm') { $grub_manage = true $grub_do_kernel_serial = true $grub_do_grub_serial = true } elsif $::hostname in [ubc-enc2bl01,ubc-enc2bl02,ubc-enc2bl09,ubc-enc2bl10,casulana,mirror-anu,sallinen,storace,mirror-accumu,bm-bl1,bm-bl2,bm-bl3,bm-bl4,bm-bl5,bm-bl6,bm-bl7,bm-bl8,bm-bl9,bm-bl10,bm-bl11,bm-bl12,bm-bl13,bm-bl14,grnet-node01,grnet-node02,csail-node01,csail-node02,byrd,mirror-isc,mirror-umn,lobos,villa] { $grub_manage = true $grub_do_kernel_serial = true $grub_do_grub_serial = true } elsif $::hostname in [mirror-skroutz,conova-node01,conova-node02,arm-arm-01,fasolo] { $grub_manage = true $grub_do_kernel_serial = true $grub_do_grub_serial = true } elsif $::hostname in [arm-arm-03] { $grub_manage = true $grub_do_kernel_serial = true $grub_do_grub_serial = false #} elsif $::hostname in [villa] { # $grub_manage = true # $grub_do_kernel_serial = false # $grub_do_grub_serial = false } else { $grub_manage = false } if $grub_manage { # hp-health requires nopat on linux 4.9 $grub_do_nopat = ($::systemproductname and $::systemproductname =~ /^ProLiant/ and versioncmp($::kernelversion, '4.9') >= 0) $grub_do_extra = $::hostname in [fasolo] file { '/etc/default/grub': # restore to default source => 'puppet:///modules/grub/etc-default-grub', notify => Exec['update-grub'] } file { '/etc/default/grub.d': ensure => directory, mode => '0555', purge => true, force => true, recurse => true, source => 'puppet:///files/empty/', } file { '/etc/default/grub.d/puppet-grub-serial.cfg': ensure => $grub_do_kernel_serial ? { true => 'present', default => 'absent' }, content => template('grub/puppet-grub-serial.cfg.erb'), notify => Exec['update-grub'] } file { '/etc/default/grub.d/puppet-kernel-serial.cfg': ensure => $grub_do_grub_serial ? { true => 'present', default => 'absent' }, content => template('grub/puppet-kernel-serial.cfg.erb'), notify => Exec['update-grub'] } file { '/etc/default/grub.d/puppet-net-ifnames.cfg': ensure => $grub_do_ifnames ? { true => 'present', default => 'absent' }, content => template('grub/puppet-net-ifnames.cfg.erb'), notify => Exec['update-grub'] } file { '/etc/default/grub.d/puppet-kernel-nopat.cfg': ensure => $grub_do_nopat ? { true => 'present', default => 'absent' }, content => template('grub/puppet-kernel-nopat.cfg.erb'), notify => Exec['update-grub'] } file { '/etc/default/grub.d/puppet-kernel-extra.cfg': ensure => $grub_do_extra ? { true => 'present', default => 'absent' }, content => template('grub/puppet-kernel-extra.cfg.erb'), notify => Exec['update-grub'] } } exec { 'update-grub': refreshonly => true, path => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin', } }