## ## THIS FILE IS UNDER PUPPET CONTROL. DON'T EDIT IT HERE. ## USE: git clone git+ssh://$USER@puppet.debian.org/srv/puppet.debian.org/git/dsa-puppet.git ## # -*- shell-script -*- @include 'conf.d/'; <% if @lsbmajdistrelease >= '8' -%> domain (ip ip6) { table filter { chain log_and_reject { NFLOG nflog-prefix "REJECT: "; proto tcp REJECT reject-with tcp-reset; REJECT; } chain log_or_drop { mod hashlimit hashlimit-name nflogreject hashlimit-mode srcip hashlimit-burst 10 hashlimit 1/second jump log_and_reject; mod hashlimit hashlimit-name nfloglogdrop hashlimit-mode srcip hashlimit-burst 10 hashlimit 1/second NFLOG nflog-prefix "DROP: "; DROP; } } } <% else -%> domain ip { table filter { chain log_and_reject { ULOG ulog-prefix "REJECT: "; proto tcp REJECT reject-with tcp-reset; REJECT; } chain log_or_drop { mod hashlimit hashlimit-name ulogreject hashlimit-mode srcip hashlimit-burst 10 hashlimit 1/second jump log_and_reject; mod hashlimit hashlimit-name uloglogdrop hashlimit-mode srcip hashlimit-burst 10 hashlimit 1/second ULOG ulog-prefix "DROP: "; DROP; } } } domain ip6 { table filter { chain log_and_reject { LOG log-prefix "REJECT: "; proto tcp REJECT reject-with tcp-reset; REJECT; } chain log_or_drop { mod hashlimit hashlimit-name logreject hashlimit-mode srcip hashlimit-burst 10 hashlimit 1/second jump log_and_reject; mod hashlimit hashlimit-name loglogdrop hashlimit-mode srcip hashlimit-burst 10 hashlimit 1/second LOG log-prefix "DROP: "; DROP; } } } <% end -%> domain (ip ip6) { table filter { chain INPUT { policy ACCEPT; mod state state (ESTABLISHED RELATED) ACCEPT; interface lo ACCEPT; proto icmp ACCEPT; # some of our hosts (e.g. villa and lobos) do ipv6 via tunnels (proto 41) # this requires we allow proto ipv6 to work in all cases. # without this, ipv6 connectivity only works once the host itself # created some ipv6 connectivity to some place. proto ipv6 ACCEPT; mod state state (INVALID) DROP; } } } @include 'dsa.d/'; domain (ip ip6) { chain INPUT { proto (tcp udp) mod multiport destination-ports (135 137 138 139 445 1026 1027 1433) DROP; jump log_or_drop; } } @hook post "umask 0177; iptables-save | sed -e 's/\[.*//' -e 's/^#.*//' | sha256sum > /var/run/iptables-ferm.checksum"; @hook post "umask 0177; ip6tables-save | sed -e 's/\[.*//' -e 's/^#.*//' | sha256sum > /var/run/ip6tables-ferm.checksum"; # vim:set et: