## ## THIS FILE IS UNDER PUPPET CONTROL. DON'T EDIT IT HERE. ## USE: git clone git+ssh://$USER@puppet.debian.org/srv/puppet.debian.org/git/dsa-puppet.git ## [main] logdir=/var/log/puppet vardir=/var/lib/puppet ssldir=/var/lib/puppet/ssl rundir=/var/run/puppet factpath=$vardir/lib/facter pluginsync=true # This is the default environment for all clients environment=production <%- if scope.lookupvar('::hostname') == 'handel' -%> [master] environmentpath=/srv/puppet.debian.org/stages cadir = /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca storeconfigs = true thin_storeconfigs = true dbadapter=mysql dbuser=puppet dbpassword=<%= scope.lookupvar('dbpassword') %> dbserver=localhost <%- end -%> [agent] environments = development,testing,production,staging report = true configtimeout = 240 <%- if has_variable?("puppetversion") and @puppetversion.to_s == "3.7.2" -%> stringify_facts = false <%- end -%>