# == Class: debian_org # # Stuff common to all debian.org servers # class debian_org::apt { if versioncmp($::lsbmajdistrelease, '8') <= 0 { $fallbackmirror = 'http://cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org/debian/' } else { $fallbackmirror = 'http://deb.debian.org/debian/' } if getfromhash($site::nodeinfo, 'hoster', 'mirror-debian') { $mirror = [ getfromhash($site::nodeinfo, 'hoster', 'mirror-debian'), $fallbackmirror ] } else { $mirror = [ $fallbackmirror ] } # jessie if versioncmp($::lsbmajdistrelease, '8') <= 0 { base::aptrepo { 'debian': url => $mirror, suite => [ $::lsbdistcodename ], components => ['main','contrib','non-free'] } # stretch or buster } else { base::aptrepo { 'debian': url => $mirror, suite => [ $::lsbdistcodename, "${::lsbdistcodename}-backports", "${::lsbdistcodename}-updates" ], components => ['main','contrib','non-free'] } } if versioncmp($::lsbmajdistrelease, '8') <= 0 { base::aptrepo { 'security': url => [ 'http://security-cdn.debian.org/', 'http://security.debian.org/' ], suite => "${::lsbdistcodename}/updates", components => ['main','contrib','non-free'] } } else { base::aptrepo { 'security': url => [ 'http://security.debian.org/' ], suite => "${::lsbdistcodename}/updates", components => ['main','contrib','non-free'] } } # ca-certificates is installed by the ssl module if versioncmp($::lsbmajdistrelease, '9') <= 0 { package { 'apt-transport-https': ensure => installed, } } else { # transitional package in buster package { 'apt-transport-https': ensure => purged, } } $dbdosuites = [ 'debian-all', $::lsbdistcodename ] base::aptrepo { 'db.debian.org': url => 'https://db.debian.org/debian-admin', suite => $dbdosuites, components => 'main', key => 'puppet:///modules/debian_org/db.debian.org.gpg', } if ($::hostname in []) { base::aptrepo { 'proposed-updates': url => $mirror, suite => "${::lsbdistcodename}-proposed-updates", components => ['main','contrib','non-free'] } } else { base::aptrepo { 'proposed-updates': ensure => absent, } } base::aptrepo { 'debian-cdn': ensure => absent, } base::aptrepo { 'debian.org': ensure => absent, } base::aptrepo { 'debian2': ensure => absent, } base::aptrepo { 'backports2.debian.org': ensure => absent, } base::aptrepo { 'backports.debian.org': ensure => absent, } base::aptrepo { 'volatile': ensure => absent, } base::aptrepo { 'db.debian.org-suite': ensure => absent, } base::aptrepo { 'debian-lts': ensure => absent, } file { '/etc/apt/trusted-keys.d': ensure => absent, force => true, } file { '/etc/apt/trusted.gpg': mode => '0600', content => "", } file { '/etc/apt/preferences': source => 'puppet:///modules/debian_org/apt.preferences', } file { '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/local-compression': source => 'puppet:///modules/debian_org/apt.conf.d/local-compression', } file { '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/local-recommends': source => 'puppet:///modules/debian_org/apt.conf.d/local-recommends', } file { '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/local-pdiffs': source => 'puppet:///modules/debian_org/apt.conf.d/local-pdiffs', } file { '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/local-langs': source => 'puppet:///modules/debian_org/apt.conf.d/local-langs', } file { '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/local-cainfo': source => 'puppet:///modules/debian_org/apt.conf.d/local-cainfo', } file { '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/local-pkglist': source => 'puppet:///modules/debian_org/apt.conf.d/local-pkglist', } exec { 'dpkg list': command => 'dpkg-query -W -f \'${Package}\n\' > /var/lib/misc/thishost/pkglist', creates => '/var/lib/misc/thishost/pkglist', } exec { 'apt-get update': path => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin', onlyif => '/usr/local/bin/check_for_updates', require => File['/usr/local/bin/check_for_updates'] } Exec['apt-get update']->Package<| tag == extra_repo |> }