## ## THIS FILE IS UNDER PUPPET CONTROL. DON'T EDIT IT HERE. ## USE: git clone git+ssh://$USER@puppet.debian.org/srv/puppet.debian.org/git/dsa-puppet.git ## # For Bacula release 5.0.1 (24 February 2010) -- debian 5.0.4 # "Global" File daemon configuration specifications FileDaemon { Name = <%= @client_name %> FDAddresses = { # bacula, on Debian 9 (stretch), does not resolve a single name # to both v4 and v6 addresses. Se we can't just say # ip = { addr = }. Boo. <%- if @has_ipv4 -%> ipv4 = { # use the hostname rather than the IP address from LDAP, # as /etc/hosts might have a better answer in case of natted hosts. addr = <%= @fqdn %> port = <%= @port_fd %> } <%- end -%> <%- if @has_ipv6 -%> ipv6 = { addr = <%= addr %> port = <%= @port_fd %> } <%- end -%> } WorkingDirectory = /var/lib/bacula <%- if scope.call_function('versioncmp', [@lsbmajdistrelease, '8']) <= 0 -%> Pid Directory = /var/run/bacula <%- else -%> Pid Directory = /run/bacula Plugin Directory = /usr/lib/bacula <%- end -%> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 TLS Enable = yes TLS Require = yes TLS CA Certificate File = "<%= @bacula_ca_path %>" # This is a client certificate, used by the client to connect to the storage daemon TLS Certificate = "<%= @bacula_ssl_client_cert %>" TLS Key = "<%= @bacula_ssl_client_key %>" <%- if scope.lookupvar('deprecated::nodeinfo')['hoster']['name'] == "brown" -%> # broken firewall Heartbeat Interval = 60 <%- end -%> } @|"sh -c 'for f in /etc/bacula/fd-conf.d/*.conf ; do echo @${f} ; done'"