# the bacula storage node class bacula::storage inherits bacula { package { 'bacula-sd': ensure => installed } service { 'bacula-sd': ensure => running, enable => true, hasstatus => true, } dsa_systemd::override { 'bacula-sd': content => @(EOT) [Service] Group=bacula SupplementaryGroups=ssl-cert | EOT } exec { 'bacula-sd restart-when-idle': path => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin', command => 'sh -c "setsid /usr/local/sbin/bacula-idle-restart sd &"', refreshonly => true, subscribe => File[$bacula_ssl_server_cert], require => File['/usr/local/sbin/bacula-idle-restart'], } file { '/etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf': content => template('bacula/bacula-sd.conf.erb'), mode => '0640', group => bacula, notify => Exec['bacula-sd restart-when-idle'] } file { '/etc/bacula/storage-conf.d': ensure => directory, mode => '0755', group => bacula, purge => true, force => true, recurse => true, source => 'puppet:///files/empty/', notify => Exec['bacula-sd restart-when-idle'] } ferm::rule { 'dsa-bacula-sd-v4': domain => '(ip)', description => 'Allow bacula-sd access from director and clients', rule => 'proto tcp mod state state (NEW) dport (bacula-sd) @subchain \'bacula-sd\' { saddr ($HOST_DEBIAN_V4 ACCEPT; }', notarule => true, } ferm::rule { 'dsa-bacula-sd-v6': domain => '(ip6)', description => 'Allow bacula-sd access from director and clients', rule => 'proto tcp mod state state (NEW) dport (bacula-sd) @subchain \'bacula-sd\' { saddr ($HOST_DEBIAN_V6) ACCEPT; }', notarule => true, } file { '/etc/bacula/storage-conf.d/empty.conf': content => '', mode => '0440', group => bacula, notify => Exec['bacula-sd restart-when-idle'] } file { "${bacula_backup_path}/Catalog": ensure => directory, mode => '0755', owner => bacula, group => bacula, ; } package { 'python3-psycopg2': ensure => installed } file { '/usr/local/bin/bacula-unlink-removed-volumes': source => 'puppet:///modules/bacula/bacula-unlink-removed-volumes', mode => '0555', } file { "/etc/cron.d/puppet-bacula-storage-stuff": ensure => absent, } concat::fragment { 'dsa-puppet-stuff--bacula-storage': target => '/etc/cron.d/dsa-puppet-stuff', content => @(EOF) @daily bacula chronic /usr/local/bin/bacula-unlink-removed-volumes -v | EOF } Bacula::Storage_per_node<<| |>> }