# Bacula sd config: director snippet # # Each/The director exports this class to be collected by each/the storage. # # @param director_name bacula name of the dir instance # @param director_address address of this dir instance that other instances should connect to (dns name) define bacula::storage::director( String $director_name, Stdlib::Host $director_address, ) { include bacula::storage # this is created in both bacula::storage::client and # bacula::storage::director and needs to be the same $dir_storage_secret = hkdf('/etc/puppet/secret', "bacula::director<->storage::${director_address}<->${::fqdn}") file { "/etc/bacula/storage-conf.d/Dir_${director_address}.conf": content => template('bacula/storage/sd-per-director.conf.erb'), mode => '0440', group => bacula, notify => Exec['bacula-sd restart-when-idle'], ; } }