class bacula::director inherits bacula { package { "bacula-director-pgsql": ensure => installed; "bacula-common": ensure => installed; "bacula-common-pgsql": ensure => installed; } service { "bacula-director": ensure => running, enable => true, hasstatus => true, require => Package["bacula-director-pgsql"]; } file { "/etc/bacula/conf.d": ensure => directory, mode => 755, group => bacula, purge => true, notify => Exec["bacula-director restart"] ; "/etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf": content => template("bacula/bacula-dir.conf.erb"), mode => 440, group => bacula, require => Package["bacula-director-pgsql"], notify => Exec["bacula-director restart"] ; } exec { "bacula-director restart": path => "/etc/init.d:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin", refreshonly => true; } define bacula_client() { # These must be kept in sync with the settings in bacula.pp $bacula_client_name = "${name}-fd" $bacula_client_secret = hmac("/etc/puppet/secret", "bacula-fd-${name}") $client = $name file { "/etc/bacula/conf.d/${name}.conf": content => template("bacula/per-client.conf.erb"), mode => 440, group => bacula, notify => Exec["bacula-director restart"] ; } } # $allhosts = keys($site::allnodeinfo) $allhosts = [ "", "", "" ] bacula_client { $allhosts: } @ferm::rule { 'dsa-bacula-dir': domain => '(ip ip6)', description => 'Allow bacula access from localhost', rule => "proto tcp mod state state (NEW) dport (bacula-dir) saddr (${bacula_director_address} localhost) ACCEPT", } }