# Bacula client config on the director # # This is stored config by a client, collected on the director # # @param client The name of the client (relevant for device names, media type names, etc.) # # @param storage_address Address of the storage daemon # @param port_sd Port of the storage daemon # @param storage_secret Shared secret between storage and director # @param storage_device_name Device name on the storage daemon for this node's backups # @param storage_media_type_name Media type name on the storage daemon for this node's backupse define bacula::director::client_from_storage ( Stdlib::Host $storage_address, Integer $port_sd, String $storage_secret, String $storage_device_name, String $storage_media_type_name, Stdlib::Host $client = $name, ) { include bacula::director $bacula_ca_path = $bacula::bacula_ca_path $bacula_ssl_client_cert = $bacula::bacula_ssl_client_cert $bacula_ssl_client_key = $bacula::bacula_ssl_client_key # For historical reasons, we use the same string for # director-internal storage name as we do for mediate # type names. If we ever blow away the catalog and start # again, we should probably pick a different string here # (or there). $storage_name = $storage_media_type_name # we define this in both bacula::director::client_from_storage and # bacula::director::client and it needs to match. $pool_name = "${bacula::director::pool_name}-${client}" file { "/etc/bacula/conf.d/${client}_storage.conf": content => template('bacula/director/dir-per-client-from-storage.erb'), mode => '0440', group => bacula, notify => Exec['bacula-director reload'] } file { "/etc/bacula/storages-list.d/${client}.storage": content => "${storage_name}\n", mode => '0440', group => bacula, notify => Exec['bacula-director reload'] } }