# Decomissioning hosts * Get rid of any services running on the host. * Optional, shut down the machine, then wait a month * Zero disks badblocks -v -s -p 5 -w -f DEVICE_GOES_HERE * Revoke puppet certificate * on handel: puppet node clean $HOST.debian.org * on handel: puppet node deactivate $HOST.debian.org * reinit samhain on handel * Remove from LDAP * including references such as subgroup: foo@hostname or supplementarygid: foo@hostname * rerun puppet on backuphost / the backup host * reinit samhain on backuphost * Remove from Nagios * Remove any references from puppet configuration * Remove references to the host from DNS files, including reverse DNS * Get rid of the HW (tell the hoster to get rid of it or other as appropriate) * Update password file information for the $HOST * Remove MQ queues related to machine (see [[doc/mq]] for details) ``` for queue in $(rabbitmqadmin -N rainier list queues name | \ grep unger.debian.org | \ awk '{print $2}') ; do rabbitmqadmin -N rainier -V dsa delete queue name=$queue done ``` * Remove disks from the MSA * run multipath -ll on the KVM host and find all disks on that multipath ``` echo -n "multipath device to remove: " && export LC_ALL=C && read path && dm=$(sudo multipath -ll | grep "$path " | awk '{print $3}') && cd /sys/devices/virtual/block/$dm/slaves && devices=$(ls -1) && blockdev --flushbufs /dev/$dm && multipath -f $path && for device in $(echo $devices); do blockdev --flushbufs /dev/$device; echo 1 > "/sys/block/$device/device/delete"; done ``` * remove the paths in the MSA Three months after decomissioning: * Remove backups