== Add a guest account to ud-ldap == === add to guest keyring === Import the guest key into your keyring. {{{ echo -n "New user's key fingerprint: " && read fingerprint && gpg --import "`echo $fingerprint | tr -d ' ' | cut -b 25-`" }}} Change to the directory where you keep the guest-keyring repository: {{{ cd ~/dsa/guest-keyring }}} Export from your keyring into the guest-keyring using: {{{ git pull && echo -n "New user's key fingerprint: " && read fingerprint && ./add-key "`echo $fingerprint | tr -d ' '`" && git add debian-guest/add-"`echo $fingerprint | tr -d ' ' | cut -b 25-`" && git add debian-guest/index debian-guest/index.gpg && git commit -a && git push }}} === add to ldap === Once that is done, to to db-master (aka draghi) and add the account: {{{ ud-useradd -g }}} * note the -g, this is for guest accounts (doesn't prompt for -private etc.) * enter fingerprint, account name, [fml] name and forwarding address. * enter expiry date and hosts to allow access to, per the request. Two months is typical.