#!/bin/sh # vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 ai noet sts=8 sw=8 tw=0: FILE='' INTERVAL=60 EXIT=0 usage(){ ret=$1 cat < File age checker for nagios. Will alert if the named file is older than the interval (interval default is 60 minutes) -h This help message -i Interval in minutes at which to alert -f File to check EOF exit $ret } while getopts f:i:h opt ; do case "$opt" in f) FILE="$OPTARG" ;; i) INTERVAL="$OPTARG" ;; h) usage 0 esac done if [ -z "$FILE" ]; then echo "Need file argument!" >&2 usage 1 fi if [ ! -r "$FILE" ]; then printf "state file %s is missing or unreadable\n" $FILE exit 2 fi if [ "$(( $( date +%s ) - $(stat -c %Y $FILE) ))" -gt "$(( $INTERVAL * 60 ))" ]; then printf "state file %s is older than %d minutes\n" $FILE $INTERVAL exit 2 fi printf "state file %s OK: updated on %s\n" $FILE "$(stat -c %y $FILE)"