#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright (c) 2010 Peter Palfrader # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. use strict; use warnings; use English; use Net::DNS::Resolver; use Getopt::Long; use File::Basename; # taken from Array::Utils # http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/ZMIJ/Array-Utils-0.5/Utils.pm # This module is Copyright (c) 2007 Sergei A. Fedorov. # You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public # License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file. # sub intersect(\@\@) { my %e = map { $_ => undef } @{$_[0]}; return grep { exists( $e{$_} ) } @{$_[1]}; } sub array_diff(\@\@) { my %e = map { $_ => undef } @{$_[1]}; return @{[ ( grep { (exists $e{$_}) ? ( delete $e{$_} ) : ( 1 ) } @{ $_[0] } ), keys %e ] }; } sub array_minus(\@\@) { my %e = map{ $_ => undef } @{$_[1]}; return grep( ! exists( $e{$_} ), @{$_[0]} ); } $SIG{'__DIE__'} = sub { print @_; exit 4; }; my $RES = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; my $DLV = 'dlv.isc.org'; my $params; sub get_tag_generic { my $zone = shift; my $type = shift; my @result; my @zsks; print "Querying $type $zone\n" if $params->{'verbose'}; my $pkt = $RES->send($zone, $type); return () unless $pkt; return () unless $pkt->answer; for my $rr ($pkt->answer) { next unless ($rr->type eq $type); next unless (lc($rr->name) eq lc($zone)); # for now only handle KSKs, i.e. keys with the SEP flag set if ($type eq 'DNSKEY' && !($rr->is_sep)) { push @zsks, $rr->keytag; next; } push @result, $rr->keytag; }; if ($type eq 'DNSKEY' && (scalar @result) == 0) { # use remaining keys if no keys with the SEP bit are present @result = @zsks; } my %unique = (); @result = sort {$a <=> $b} grep {!$unique{$_}++} @result; return @result }; sub get_dnskeytags { my $zone = shift; return get_tag_generic($zone, 'DNSKEY'); }; sub get_dstags { my $zone = shift; return get_tag_generic($zone, 'DS'); }; sub get_dlvtags { my $zone = shift; $zone .= ".".$DLV; return get_tag_generic($zone, 'DLV'); }; sub has_dnskey_parent { my $zone = shift; my $potential_parent; if ($zone =~ m/\./) { $potential_parent = $zone; $potential_parent =~ s/^[^.]+\.//; } else { $potential_parent = '.'; } print "Querying DNSKEY $potential_parent\n" if $params->{'verbose'}; my $pkt = $RES->send($potential_parent, 'DNSKEY'); return undef unless $pkt; return undef unless $pkt->header; unless ($pkt->answer) { return undef unless $pkt->authority; for my $rr ($pkt->authority) { next unless ($rr->type eq 'SOA'); $potential_parent = $rr->name; print "Querying DNSKEY $potential_parent\n" if $params->{'verbose'}; $pkt = $RES->send($potential_parent, 'DNSKEY'); return undef unless $pkt; last; }; }; return (0, $potential_parent) unless $pkt->answer; for my $rr ($pkt->answer) { next unless ($rr->type eq 'DNSKEY'); return (1, $potential_parent); }; } sub get_parent_dnssec_status { my $zone = shift; my @result; while (1) { my ($status, $parent) = has_dnskey_parent($zone); last unless defined $status; push @result, ($status ? "yes" : "no") . ("($parent)"); $zone = $parent; last if $zone eq "" || $zone eq '.'; }; return join(', ', @result); }; sub usage { my $fd = shift; my $exit = shift; print $fd "Usage: $PROGRAM_NAME [--dir ] overview|check-dlv|check-ds|check-header zone [zone...]\n"; print $fd " $PROGRAM_NAME --dir overview|check-dlv|check-ds|check-header\n"; print $fd " $PROGRAM_NAME --help\n"; exit $exit; } sub what_to_check { my $zone = shift; my $zonefile = shift; my $do_dlv = 0; my $do_ds = 0; open(F, "<", $zonefile) or die ("Cannot open zonefile $zonefile for $zone: $!\n"); while () { if (/^[#;]\s*dlv-submit\s*=\s*yes\s*$/) { $do_dlv = 1; } if (/^[#;]\s*ds-in-parent\s*=\s*yes\s*$/) { $do_ds = 1; } } close(F); return { 'dlv' => $do_dlv, 'ds' => $do_ds }; } sub diff_spec { my $a = shift; my $b = shift; my @elems = intersect(@$a, @$b); push @elems, map { '-'.$_ } array_minus(@$a, @$b); push @elems, map { '+'.$_ } array_minus(@$b, @$a); return join(',', @elems); } Getopt::Long::config('bundling'); GetOptions ( '--help' => \$params->{'help'}, '--dir=s@' => \$params->{'dir'}, '--dlv=s' => \$params->{'dlv'}, '--verbose' => \$params->{'verbose'}, ) or usage(\*STDERR, 1); usage(\*STDOUT, 0) if ($params->{'help'}); my $mode = shift @ARGV; usage(\*STDOUT, 0) unless (defined $mode && $mode =~ /^(overview|check-dlv|check-ds|check-header)$/); die ("check-header needs --dir") if ($mode eq 'check-header' && !defined $params->{'dir'}); my %zones; if (scalar @ARGV) { if (defined $params->{'dir'} && $mode ne 'check-header') { warn "--dir option ignored" } %zones = map { $_ => $_} @ARGV; } else { my $dirs = $params->{'dir'}; usage(\*STDOUT, 0) unless (defined $dirs); for my $dir (@$dirs) { chdir $dir or die "chdir $dir failed? $!\n"; opendir DIR, '.' or die ("Cannot opendir $dir\n"); for my $file (readdir DIR) { next if ( -l "$file" ); next unless ( -f "$file" ); next if $file =~ /^(dsset|keyset)-/; my $zone = $file; if ($file =~ /\.zone$/) { # it's one of our yaml things $zone = basename($file, '.zone'); }; $zones{$zone} = "$dir/$file"; } closedir(DIR); }; }; $DLV = $params->{'dlv'} if $params->{'dlv'}; if ($mode eq 'overview') { my %data; for my $zone (keys %zones) { $data{$zone} = { 'dnskey' => join(', ', get_dnskeytags($zone)), 'ds' => join(', ', get_dstags($zone)), 'dlv' => join(', ', get_dlvtags($zone)), 'parent_dnssec' => get_parent_dnssec_status($zone) }; } my $format = "%60s %-15s %-15s %-3s %-10s\n"; printf $format, "zone", "DNSKEY", "DS\@parent", "DLV", "dnssec\@parent"; printf $format, "-"x 60, "-"x 15, "-"x 15, "-"x 3, "-"x 10; for my $zone (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %data) { printf $format, $zone, $data{$zone}->{'dnskey'}, $data{$zone}->{'ds'}, $data{$zone}->{'dlv'}, $data{$zone}->{'parent_dnssec'}; } exit(0); } elsif ($mode eq 'check-dlv' || $mode eq 'check-ds' || $mode eq 'check-header') { my @to_check; push @to_check, 'dlv' if $mode eq 'check-header' || $mode eq 'check-dlv'; push @to_check, 'ds' if $mode eq 'check-header' || $mode eq 'check-ds'; my @warn; my @ok; for my $zone (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %zones) { my $require = { map { $_ => 1 } @to_check }; if ($mode eq 'check-header') { $require = what_to_check($zone, $zones{$zone}) } my @dnskey = get_dnskeytags($zone); for my $thiskey (@to_check) { my @target = $thiskey eq 'ds' ? get_dstags($zone) : get_dlvtags($zone); my $spec = diff_spec(\@target, \@dnskey); # if the intersection between DS and KEY is empty, # or if there are DS records for keys we do not have, that's an issue. if (intersect(@dnskey, @target) == 0 || array_minus(@target, @dnskey)) { if ($require->{$thiskey} || scalar @target > 0) { push @warn, "$zone ($spec)"; } } else { if ($require->{$thiskey}) { push @ok, "$zone ($spec)"; } }; } } print "WARNING: ", join(", ", @warn), "\n" if (scalar @warn); print "OK: ", join(", ", @ok), "\n" if (scalar @ok); exit (1) if (scalar @warn); exit (0); } else { die ("Invalid mode '$mode'\n"); };