% This file managed by Puppet % Template Path: <%= @module_name %>/templates/rabbitmq.config [ <%- if @ssl and @ssl_versions -%> {ssl, [{versions, [<%= @ssl_versions.sort.map { |v| "'#{v}'" }.join(', ') %>]}]}, <%- end -%> {rabbit, [ <%- if @heartbeat -%> {heartbeat, <%=@heartbeat%>}, <% end -%> {loopback_users, [<%= @loopback_users.map { |u| "<<\"#{u}\">>" }.join(', ') %>]}, <% if @auth_backends -%> {auth_backends, [<%= @auth_backends.map { |v| "#{v}" }.join(', ') %>]}, <% elsif @ldap_auth -%> {auth_backends, [rabbit_auth_backend_internal, rabbit_auth_backend_ldap]}, <% end -%> <% if @config_cluster -%> {cluster_nodes, {[<%= @cluster_nodes.map { |n| "\'rabbit@#{n}\'" }.join(', ') %>], <%= @cluster_node_type %>}}, {cluster_partition_handling, <%= @cluster_partition_handling %>}, <% end -%> {tcp_listen_options, [ <%- unless @config_ranch -%> binary, {packet, raw}, {reuseaddr, true}, <%- end -%> <%- if @tcp_keepalive -%> {keepalive, true}, <%- end -%> <%- if @tcp_backlog -%> {backlog, <%= @tcp_backlog %>}, <%- end -%> <%- if @tcp_sndbuf -%> {sndbuf, <%= @tcp_sndbuf %>}, <%- end -%> <%- if @tcp_recbuf -%> {recbuf, <%= @tcp_recbuf %>}, <%- end -%> {nodelay, true}, {linger, {true, 0}}, {exit_on_close, false} ]}, <%- if @collect_statistics_interval -%> {collect_statistics_interval, <%= @collect_statistics_interval %>}, <%- end -%> <%- if @ssl_only -%> {tcp_listeners, []}, <%- elsif @interface -%> {tcp_listeners, [{"<%= @interface%>", <%= @port %>}]}, <%- end -%> <%- if @ssl -%> <%- if @ssl_interface -%> {ssl_listeners, [{"<%= @ssl_interface%>", <%= @ssl_port %>}]}, <%- else -%> {ssl_listeners, [<%= @ssl_port %>]}, <%- end -%> {ssl_options, [ <%- if @ssl_cacert -%> {cacertfile,"<%= @ssl_cacert %>"}, <%- end -%> {certfile,"<%= @ssl_cert %>"}, {keyfile,"<%= @ssl_key %>"}, <%- if @ssl_cert_password -%> {password, "<%= @ssl_cert_password %>"}, <%- end -%> <%- if @ssl_depth -%> {depth,<%= @ssl_depth %>}, <%- end -%> <%- if @ssl_dhfile -%> {dhfile, "<%= @ssl_dhfile %>"}, <%- end -%> {secure_renegotiate,<%= @ssl_secure_renegotiate %>}, {reuse_sessions,<%= @ssl_reuse_sessions %>}, {honor_cipher_order,<%= @ssl_honor_cipher_order %>}, {verify,<%= @ssl_verify %>}, {fail_if_no_peer_cert,<%= @ssl_fail_if_no_peer_cert %>} <%- if @ssl_versions -%> ,{versions, [<%= @ssl_versions.sort.map { |v| "'#{v}'" }.join(', ') %>]} <%- end -%> <%- if @ssl_ciphers and @ssl_ciphers.size > 0 -%> ,{ciphers,[ <%= @ssl_ciphers.sort.map{|k| "{#{k}}"}.join(",\n ") %> ]} <%- end -%> ]}, <%- end -%> <% if scope['rabbitmq::config_variables'] -%> <%- scope['rabbitmq::config_variables'].keys.sort.each do |key| -%> {<%= key %>, <%= scope['rabbitmq::config_variables'][key] %>}, <%- end -%> <%- end -%> {default_user, <<"<%= @default_user %>">>}, {default_pass, <<"<%= @default_pass %>">>} ]}<% if @config_kernel_variables -%>, {kernel, [ <%= @config_kernel_variables.sort.map{|k,v| "{#{k}, #{v}}"}.join(",\n ") %> ]} <%- end -%> <%- if @admin_enable or !@config_management_variables.empty? -%>, {rabbitmq_management, [ <%- if !@config_management_variables.empty? -%> <%= @config_management_variables.sort.map{|k,v| "{#{k}, #{v}}"}.join(",\n ") %> <%- end -%> <%- if @admin_enable -%> <%- if !@config_management_variables.empty? -%>,<%-end-%> {listener, [ <%- if @ssl && @management_ssl -%> <%- if @management_ip_address -%> {ip, "<%= @management_ip_address %>"}, <%- end -%> {port, <%= @ssl_management_port %>}, {ssl, true}, {ssl_opts, [<%- if @ssl_cacert %> {cacertfile, "<%= @ssl_cacert %>"}, <%- end -%> {certfile, "<%= @ssl_cert %>"}, {keyfile, "<%= @ssl_key %>"}, {verify,<%= @ssl_management_verify %>}, {fail_if_no_peer_cert,<%= @ssl_management_fail_if_no_peer_cert %>} <%- if @ssl_versions -%> ,{versions, [<%= @ssl_versions.sort.map { |v| "'#{v}'" }.join(', ') %>]} <%- end -%> <%- if @ssl_ciphers and @ssl_ciphers.size > 0 -%> ,{ciphers,[ <%= @ssl_ciphers.sort.map{|k| "{#{k}}"}.join(",\n ") %> ]} <%- end -%> ]} <%- else -%> <%- if @management_ip_address -%> {ip, "<%= @management_ip_address %>"}, <%- end -%> {port, <%= @management_port %>} <%- end -%> ]} <%- end -%> ]} <%- end -%> <% if @config_stomp -%>, % Configure the Stomp Plugin listening port {rabbitmq_stomp, [ <%- if @stomp_ssl_only -%> {tcp_listeners, []} <%- else -%> {tcp_listeners, [<%= @stomp_port %>]} <%- end -%> <%- if @ssl && @ssl_stomp_port -%> , {ssl_listeners, [<%= @ssl_stomp_port %>]} <%- end -%> ]} <% end -%> <%- if @ldap_auth -%>, % Configure the LDAP authentication plugin {rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap, [ {other_bind, <%= @ldap_other_bind %>}, {servers, ["<%= @ldap_server %>"]}, <% if @ldap_user_dn_pattern -%> {user_dn_pattern, "<%= @ldap_user_dn_pattern %>"}, <%- end -%> {use_ssl, <%= @ldap_use_ssl %>}, {port, <%= @ldap_port %>}, <% if @ldap_config_variables -%> <%- @ldap_config_variables.keys.sort.each do |key| -%> {<%= key %>, <%= @ldap_config_variables[key] %>}, <%- end -%> <%- end -%> {log, <%= @ldap_log %>} ]} <%- end -%> <%- if @config_shovel and not @config_shovel_statics.empty? -%>, {rabbitmq_shovel, [{shovels,[ <%= @config_shovel_statics.sort.map{|k,v| "{#{k},[#{v}]}"}.join(",\n ") %> ]}]} <%- end -%> <%- if @config_additional_variables and not @config_additional_variables.empty? -%>, % Additional config <%- @config_additional_variables.keys.sort.each do |key| -%> {<%= key %>, <%= @config_additional_variables[key] %>}<%- if key != @config_additional_variables.keys.sort.last %>,<% end %> <%- end -%> <%- end -%> ]. % EOF