# == Class: nova::vncproxy::common # # [*vncproxy_host*] # (optional) The host of the VNC proxy server # Defaults to false # # [*vncproxy_protocol*] # (optional) The protocol to communicate with the VNC proxy server # Defaults to 'http' # # [*vncproxy_port*] # (optional) The port to communicate with the VNC proxy server # Defaults to '6080' # # [*vncproxy_path*] # (optional) The path at the end of the uri for communication with the VNC proxy server # Defaults to '/vnc_auto.html' # class nova::vncproxy::common ( $vncproxy_host = undef, $vncproxy_protocol = undef, $vncproxy_port = undef, $vncproxy_path = undef, ) { $vncproxy_host_real = pick( $vncproxy_host, $::nova::compute::vncproxy_host, $::nova::vncproxy::host, false) $vncproxy_protocol_real = pick( $vncproxy_protocol, $::nova::compute::vncproxy_protocol, $::nova::vncproxy::vncproxy_protocol, 'http') $vncproxy_port_real = pick( $vncproxy_port, $::nova::compute::vncproxy_port, $::nova::vncproxy::port, 6080) $vncproxy_path_real = pick( $vncproxy_path, $::nova::compute::vncproxy_path, $::nova::vncproxy::vncproxy_path, '/vnc_auto.html') if ($vncproxy_host_real) { $vncproxy_base_url = "${vncproxy_protocol_real}://${vncproxy_host_real}:${vncproxy_port_real}${vncproxy_path_real}" # config for vnc proxy nova_config { 'DEFAULT/novncproxy_base_url': value => $vncproxy_base_url; } } }