# # Configure the Mech Driver for cisco neutron plugin # More info available here: # https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Neutron/ML2/MechCiscoNexus # # === Parameters # # [*neutron_config*] # Neutron switch configuration for ml2_cisco_conf.ini # Example nexus config format: # { 'switch_hostname' => {'username' => 'admin', # 'ssh_port' => 22, # 'password' => "password", # 'ip_address' => "", # 'servers' => { # 'control01' => "portchannel:20", # 'control02' => "portchannel:10" # }}} # class neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::nexus ( $nexus_config = undef, ) { if !$nexus_config { fail('No nexus config specified') } # For Ubuntu: This package is not available upstream # Please use the source from: # https://launchpad.net/~cisco-openstack/+archive/python-ncclient # and install it manually package { 'python-ncclient': ensure => installed, } ~> Service['neutron-server'] Neutron_plugin_ml2<||> -> file { $::neutron::params::cisco_ml2_config_file: owner => 'root', group => 'root', content => template('neutron/ml2_conf_cisco.ini.erb'), } ~> Service['neutron-server'] create_resources(neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::nexus_creds, $nexus_config) }