# == Define: elasticsearch::service::systemd # # This define exists to coordinate all service management related actions, # functionality and logical units in a central place. # # Note: "service" is the Puppet term and type for background processes # in general and is used in a platform-independent way. E.g. "service" means # "daemon" in relation to Unix-like systems. # # # === Parameters # # [*ensure*] # String. Controls if the managed resources shall be present or # absent. If set to absent: # * The managed software packages are being uninstalled. # * Any traces of the packages will be purged as good as possible. This may # include existing configuration files. The exact behavior is provider # dependent. Q.v.: # * Puppet type reference: {package, "purgeable"}[http://j.mp/xbxmNP] # * {Puppet's package provider source code}[http://j.mp/wtVCaL] # * System modifications (if any) will be reverted as good as possible # (e.g. removal of created users, services, changed log settings, ...). # * This is thus destructive and should be used with care. # Defaults to present. # # [*status*] # String to define the status of the service. Possible values: # * enabled: Service is running and will be started at boot time. # * disabled: Service is stopped and will not be started at boot # time. # * running: Service is running but will not be started at boot time. # You can use this to start a service on the first Puppet run instead of # the system startup. # * unmanaged: Service will not be started at boot time and Puppet # does not care whether the service is running or not. For example, this may # be useful if a cluster management software is used to decide when to start # the service plus assuring it is running on the desired node. # Defaults to enabled. The singular form ("service") is used for the # sake of convenience. Of course, the defined status affects all services if # more than one is managed (see service.pp to check if this is the # case). # # [*init_defaults*] # Defaults file content in hash representation # # [*init_defaults_file*] # Defaults file as puppet resource # # [*init_template*] # Service file as a template # # === Authors # # * Richard Pijnenburg # define elasticsearch::service::systemd( $ensure = $elasticsearch::ensure, $status = $elasticsearch::status, $init_defaults_file = undef, $init_defaults = undef, $init_template = undef, ) { #### Service management # set params: in operation if $ensure == 'present' { case $status { # make sure service is currently running, start it on boot 'enabled': { $service_ensure = 'running' $service_enable = true } # make sure service is currently stopped, do not start it on boot 'disabled': { $service_ensure = 'stopped' $service_enable = false } # make sure service is currently running, do not start it on boot 'running': { $service_ensure = 'running' $service_enable = false } # do not start service on boot, do not care whether currently running # or not 'unmanaged': { $service_ensure = undef $service_enable = false } # unknown status # note: don't forget to update the parameter check in init.pp if you # add a new or change an existing status. default: { fail("\"${status}\" is an unknown service status value") } } } else { # make sure the service is stopped and disabled (the removal itself will be # done by package.pp) $service_ensure = 'stopped' $service_enable = false } $notify_service = $elasticsearch::restart_on_change ? { true => [ Exec["systemd_reload_${name}"], Service["elasticsearch-instance-${name}"] ], false => Exec["systemd_reload_${name}"] } if ( $status != 'unmanaged' and $ensure == 'present' ) { # defaults file content. Either from a hash or file if ($init_defaults_file != undef) { file { "${elasticsearch::params::defaults_location}/elasticsearch-${name}": ensure => $ensure, source => $init_defaults_file, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644', before => Service["elasticsearch-instance-${name}"], notify => $notify_service, } } else { if ($init_defaults != undef and is_hash($init_defaults) ) { if(has_key($init_defaults, 'ES_USER')) { if($init_defaults['ES_USER'] != $elasticsearch::elasticsearch_user) { fail('Found ES_USER setting for init_defaults but is not same as elasticsearch_user setting. Please use elasticsearch_user setting.') } } } $init_defaults_pre_hash = { 'ES_USER' => $elasticsearch::elasticsearch_user, 'ES_GROUP' => $elasticsearch::elasticsearch_group, 'MAX_OPEN_FILES' => '65535' } $new_init_defaults = merge($init_defaults_pre_hash, $init_defaults) augeas { "defaults_${name}": incl => "${elasticsearch::params::defaults_location}/elasticsearch-${name}", lens => 'Shellvars.lns', changes => template("${module_name}/etc/sysconfig/defaults.erb"), before => Service["elasticsearch-instance-${name}"], notify => $notify_service, } } # init file from template if ($init_template != undef) { $user = $elasticsearch::elasticsearch_user $group = $elasticsearch::elasticsearch_group $pid_dir = $elasticsearch::pid_dir $defaults_location = $elasticsearch::defaults_location if ($new_init_defaults != undef and is_hash($new_init_defaults) and has_key($new_init_defaults, 'MAX_OPEN_FILES')) { $nofile = $new_init_defaults['MAX_OPEN_FILES'] }else{ $nofile = '65535' } if ($new_init_defaults != undef and is_hash($new_init_defaults) and has_key($new_init_defaults, 'MAX_LOCKED_MEMORY')) { $memlock = $new_init_defaults['MAX_LOCKED_MEMORY'] }else{ $memlock = undef } file { "/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch-${name}.service": ensure => $ensure, content => template($init_template), before => Service["elasticsearch-instance-${name}"], notify => $notify_service, } } $service_require = Exec["systemd_reload_${name}"] } elsif($status != 'unmanaged') { file { "/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch-${name}.service": ensure => 'absent', subscribe => Service["elasticsearch-instance-${name}"], notify => Exec["systemd_reload_${name}"], } file { "${elasticsearch::params::defaults_location}/elasticsearch-${name}": ensure => 'absent', subscribe => Service["elasticsearch-instance-${name}"], notify => Exec["systemd_reload_${name}"], } $service_require = undef } exec { "systemd_reload_${name}": command => '/bin/systemctl daemon-reload', refreshonly => true, } if ($status != 'unmanaged') { # action service { "elasticsearch-instance-${name}": ensure => $service_ensure, enable => $service_enable, name => "elasticsearch-${name}.service", hasstatus => $elasticsearch::params::service_hasstatus, hasrestart => $elasticsearch::params::service_hasrestart, pattern => $elasticsearch::params::service_pattern, provider => 'systemd', require => $service_require, } } }