# == Define: elasticsearch::plugin # # This define allows you to install arbitrary Elasticsearch plugins # either by using the default repositories or by specifying an URL # # All default values are defined in the elasticsearch::params class. # # # === Parameters # # [*module_dir*] # Directory name where the module will be installed # Value type is string # Default value: None # This variable is required # # [*ensure*] # Whether the plugin will be installed or removed. # Set to 'absent' to ensure a plugin is not installed # Value type is string # Default value: present # This variable is optional # # [*url*] # Specify an URL where to download the plugin from. # Value type is string # Default value: None # This variable is optional # # [*proxy_host*] # Proxy host to use when installing the plugin # Value type is string # Default value: None # This variable is optional # # [*proxy_port*] # Proxy port to use when installing the plugin # Value type is number # Default value: None # This variable is optional # # [*instances*] # Specify all the instances related # value type is string or array # # === Examples # # # From official repository # elasticsearch::plugin{'mobz/elasticsearch-head': module_dir => 'head'} # # # From custom url # elasticsearch::plugin{ 'elasticsearch-jetty': # module_dir => 'elasticsearch-jetty', # url => 'https://oss-es-plugins.s3.amazonaws.com/elasticsearch-jetty/elasticsearch-jetty-0.90.0.zip', # } # # === Authors # # * Matteo Sessa # * Dennis Konert # * Richard Pijnenburg # define elasticsearch::plugin( $module_dir, $instances, $ensure = 'present', $url = undef, $proxy_host = undef, $proxy_port = undef, ) { include elasticsearch Exec { path => [ '/bin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/local/bin' ], cwd => '/', user => $elasticsearch::elasticsearch_user, tries => 6, try_sleep => 10, timeout => 600, } $notify_service = $elasticsearch::restart_on_change ? { false => undef, default => Elasticsearch::Service[$instances], } if ($module_dir != '') { validate_string($module_dir) } else { fail("module_dir undefined for plugin ${name}") } if ($proxy_host != undef and $proxy_port != undef) { $proxy = " -DproxyPort=${proxy_port} -DproxyHost=${proxy_host}" } else { $proxy = '' # lint:ignore:empty_string_assignment } if ($url != '') { validate_string($url) $install_cmd = "${elasticsearch::plugintool}${proxy} -install ${name} -url ${url}" $exec_rets = [0,1] } else { $install_cmd = "${elasticsearch::plugintool}${proxy} -install ${name}" $exec_rets = [0,] } case $ensure { 'installed', 'present': { $name_file_path = "${elasticsearch::plugindir}/${module_dir}/.name" exec {"purge_plugin_${module_dir}_old": command => "${elasticsearch::plugintool} --remove ${module_dir}", onlyif => "test -e ${elasticsearch::plugindir}/${module_dir} && test \"$(cat ${name_file_path})\" != '${name}'", before => Exec["install_plugin_${name}"], } exec {"install_plugin_${name}": command => $install_cmd, creates => "${elasticsearch::plugindir}/${module_dir}", returns => $exec_rets, notify => $notify_service, require => File[$elasticsearch::plugindir], } file {$name_file_path: ensure => file, content => $name, require => Exec["install_plugin_${name}"], } } default: { exec {"remove_plugin_${name}": command => "${elasticsearch::plugintool} --remove ${module_dir}", onlyif => "test -d ${elasticsearch::plugindir}/${module_dir}", notify => $notify_service, } } } }