# Note: this sets the global DirectoryIndex directive, it may be necessary to consider being able to modify the apache::vhost to declare DirectoryIndex statements in a vhost configuration # Parameters: # - $indexes provides a string for the DirectoryIndex directive http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_dir.html#directoryindex class apache::mod::dir ( $dir = 'public_html', $indexes = ['index.html','index.html.var','index.cgi','index.pl','index.php','index.xhtml'], ) { validate_array($indexes) ::apache::mod { 'dir': } # Template uses # - $indexes file { 'dir.conf': ensure => file, path => "${::apache::mod_dir}/dir.conf", content => template('apache/mod/dir.conf.erb'), require => Exec["mkdir ${::apache::mod_dir}"], before => File[$::apache::mod_dir], notify => Class['apache::service'], } }