eximconf: assume that unlisted recipients don't want default options
[mirror/dsa-puppet.git] / modules / unbound / manifests / init.pp
1 # = Class: unbound
2 #
3 # This class installs and configures unbound
4 #
5 # == Sample Usage:
6 #
7 #   include unbound
8 #
9 class unbound {
10         include stdlib
12         $is_recursor   = getfromhash($deprecated::nodeinfo, 'misc', 'resolver-recursive')
13         $client_ranges = hiera('allow_dns_query')
14         $firewall_blocks_dns = hiera('firewall_blocks_dns', false)
15         $empty_client_range = empty($client_ranges)
16         $ns            = hiera('resolv::nameservers')
18         package { 'unbound':
19                 ensure => installed
20         }
22         service { 'unbound':
23                 ensure => running,
24                 hasstatus => false,
25                 pattern   => 'unbound',
26         }
28         file { '/etc/init.d/unbound':
29                 source => 'puppet:///modules/unbound/unbound.init',
30                 mode   => '0555',
31                 notify => Exec['systemctl daemon-reload'],
32         }
33         file { '/var/lib/unbound':
34                 ensure  => directory,
35                 owner   => unbound,
36                 group   => unbound,
37                 require => Package['unbound'],
38                 mode    => '0775',
39         }
40         file { '/var/lib/unbound/root.key':
41                 ensure  => present,
42                 replace => false,
43                 owner   => unbound,
44                 group   => unbound,
45                 mode    => '0644',
46                 source  => 'puppet:///modules/unbound/root.key',
47                 notify  => Service['unbound']
48         }
49         file { '/var/lib/unbound/debian.org.key':
50                 ensure  => present,
51                 replace => false,
52                 owner   => unbound,
53                 group   => unbound,
54                 mode    => '0644',
55                 source  => 'puppet:///modules/unbound/debian.org.key',
56                 notify  => Service['unbound']
57         }
58         file { '/var/lib/unbound/29.172.in-addr.arpa.key':
59                 ensure  => $firewall_blocks_dns ? { true  => 'absent', default => 'present' },
60                 replace => $firewall_blocks_dns ? { true  => true, default => false },
61                 owner   => unbound,
62                 group   => unbound,
63                 mode    => '0644',
64                 source  => 'puppet:///modules/unbound/29.172.in-addr.arpa.key',
65                 notify  => Service['unbound']
66         }
67         file { '/etc/unbound/unbound.conf':
68                 content => template('unbound/unbound.conf.erb'),
69                 require => [
70                         Package['unbound'],
71                         File['/var/lib/unbound/root.key'],
72                         File['/var/lib/unbound/debian.org.key']
73                 ],
74                 notify  => Service['unbound']
75         }
77         if ($is_recursor and !$empty_client_range) { 
78                 ferm::rule { 'dsa-dns':
79                         domain      => 'ip',
80                         description => 'Allow nameserver access',
81                         rule        => sprintf('&TCP_UDP_SERVICE_RANGE(53, (%s))', join_spc(filter_ipv4($client_ranges))),
82                 }
83                 ferm::rule { 'dsa-dns6':
84                         domain      => 'ip6',
85                         description => 'Allow nameserver access',
86                         rule        => sprintf('&TCP_UDP_SERVICE_RANGE(53, (%s))', join_spc(filter_ipv6($client_ranges))),
87                 }
88         }
89 }