[mirror/dsa-puppet.git] / modules / buildd / manifests / pybuildd.pp
1 # pybuildd configuration
2 class buildd::pybuildd {
3   package { 'buildd':
4     ensure => purged,
5   }
7   package { ['python3-retrying', 'python3-yaml']:
8     ensure => installed,
9   }
10   file { '/home/buildd/.profile':
11     content  => @(EOT),
12       export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/$(id -u)"
13       export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="unix:path=${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/bus"
14       | EOT
15     group   => buildd,
16     owner   => buildd,
17   }
18   file { '/home/buildd/logs':
19     ensure  => directory,
20     mode    => '2750',
21     group   => buildd,
22     owner   => buildd,
23   }
24   file { '/var/lib/systemd/linger':
25     ensure  => directory,
26     mode    => '755',
27   }
28   file { "/var/lib/systemd/linger/buildd":
29     ensure => present,
30   }
31   file { '/etc/systemd/journald.conf.d':
32     ensure  => directory,
33     mode    => '755',
34   }
35   file { '/etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/persistency.conf':
36     source => 'puppet:///modules/dsa_systemd/persistency.conf',
37   }
39   # Make sure that the build directory have the correct permissions.
40   # This should go away once pybuildd issue #3 is solved.
41   file { '/home/buildd/build':
42     ensure  => directory,
43     mode    => '2750',
44     group   => buildd,
45     owner   => buildd,
46   }
47   # work around https://salsa.debian.org/wb-team/pybuildd/issues/11
48   concat::fragment { 'dsa-puppet-stuff--pybuildd-expire-logs':
49     target => '/etc/cron.d/dsa-puppet-stuff',
50     content  => @(EOF)
51       @daily buildd [ -d ~buildd/logs ] && find ~buildd/logs -type f -mtime +90 -delete
52       | EOF
53   }
54 }