try again, with puppetforge modules, correctly included now
[mirror/dsa-puppet.git] / 3rdparty / modules / openstacklib / spec / fixtures / vcr / aviator / request / without_session.yml
1 --- 
2   http_interactions: 
3     - request: 
4         method: get
5         uri: ""
6         body: 
7           encoding: US-ASCII
8           string: ""
9         headers: 
10           Content-Type: 
11             - application/json
12           User-Agent: 
13             - "Faraday v0.8.8"
14           X-Auth-Token: 
15             - sosp-kyl
16       response: 
17         status: 
18           code: 200
19           message: 
20         headers: 
21           vary: 
22             - X-Auth-Token
23           content-type: 
24             - application/json
25           content-length: 
26             - "491"
27           date: 
28             - "Tue, 30 Sep 2014 06:59:48 GMT"
29           connection: 
30             - close
31         body: 
32           encoding: UTF-8
33           string: "{\x22tenants_links\x22: [], \x22tenants\x22: [{\x22description\x22: \x22Test tenant\x22, \x22enabled\x22: true, \x22id\x22: \x2234e463e2bab24f78990ca864e4a28ba2\x22, \x22name\x22: \x22test2\x22}, {\x22description\x22: \x22Tenant for the openstack services\x22, \x22enabled\x22: true, \x22id\x22: \x2268c8fcf77aff4b409cc158c0f6cbff7b\x22, \x22name\x22: \x22services\x22}, {\x22description\x22: \x22Test tenant\x22, \x22enabled\x22: true, \x22id\x22: \x22c330f1bc663648df9c1e7835a1e7a955\x22, \x22name\x22: \x22test\x22}, {\x22description\x22: \x22admin tenant\x22, \x22enabled\x22: true, \x22id\x22: \x22c518b36fa220499b85ba9a71014ce2a5\x22, \x22name\x22: \x22admin\x22}]}"
34         http_version: 
35       recorded_at: "Tue, 30 Sep 2014 06:59:48 GMT"
36   recorded_with: "VCR 2.9.3"